View Full Version : Worrying about melanoma

10-04-23, 02:55
I found out today that someone I used to know just got diagnosed with melanoma. Hearing about it triggered my own anxiety about melanoma, and now I'm convinced that I have melanoma too. I do an okay job with sunscreen (trying to get better), don't burn too easily, don't spend tons of time outdoors, no known family history. I should be relatively low-risk. But I have lots of moles. Most are totally normal-looking, but there's one that's a bit irregular. It's been unchanged for years at this point, but now I'm convinced that it's skin cancer that has spread all over my body because I chose not to worry about it.

10-04-23, 09:39
If you are concerned I advise you to go and get the mole checked out, no one here can tell you whether or not it is melanoma, but chances are slim especially if the mole has not changed for years. Melanoma is slow growing so if you have no signs of it spreading all over your body (you would know if it had done this and was in a late stage, you’d have other symptoms) then I highly doubt you have it or that it’s spread

11-04-23, 05:49
Try not to worry! Yes a check will alleviate your worries!

11-04-23, 11:42
I agree with the advice already given - get it looked at by a doctor. Not that I think it is anything to worry about but it will put your mind at ease.
Hearing about someone we know getting a diagnosis can be extremely triggering. If your mole hasn't changed in years I highly doubt it's anything to worry about.
I had a very similar worry a few years ago. A mole on my leg that was a very irregular shape, multi coloured and quite large. It had all the classic symptoms of melanoma and like you, I was convinced it had spread all over my body. I got myself into such a state over it. I had it removed and it turned out to be nothing. Not all benign moles are the perfect shape and colour but google won't tell you that.
Have your doctor look at it and while you're there you could talk to them about your anxiety over this because that is the real problem here.