View Full Version : How long can a cold last?

10-04-23, 19:03
Hello guys,

Last Friday (today is Monday), it was two weeks since my cold started. It was a nasty cold, with headache and I was really painfully congested. I was at home for 5 days, and by day 6 I felt well enough to go back to work. Did not have body aches and chills, or high fever, but the cold itself was bad.

But - the congestion and cough which felt like throat irritation from the drainage, continued. I saw my doctor last Thursday, he listened to my lungs, looked into my ears, and into my throat with a lamp, and said that it is sinuses drainage causing a continuing cough. He said, since allergies are truly bad this spring where I live, and I have a history of bad allergies in general, that I should use steroid nasal spray to heal this.

But, I still feel like I am not getting much better. Two questions:

1. If he suspected something on my chest, he would send me for an x ray, right? He said it was clear.

2. How long can a cold linger? It just feels way to long for me/ :weep: It is sort of more of a feeling that something is wrong - but again, I so often feel like that with everything.

Share with me guys how long would some of your cold linger, please.

Thank you guys in advance!

10-04-23, 19:30
Yes, your doctor would know if your lungs were not clear and would have done further testing. I've had both bronchitis and pneumonia and for both (but especially the pneumonia) it was very clear to me that something was off, and my doctor knew immediately.

Colds can linger, especially the drainage/cough bit. Drinking lots of tea and water will help, and having cough drops handy. I also use a lot of Vick's vapo rub as it seems to help. And the nasal spray will probably help too, since allergies do seem to be particularly bad this year.

10-04-23, 19:30
In my mid-teens I had one go on for about three weeks; I ended up taking time off school not just because of the coughing and sneezing but because my ears were so blocked up I couldn't hear the teachers speak.

I've never had one that bad since but typically it's about a week to ten days for me. Since the pandemic though I've not had one at all.

10-04-23, 20:34
Thank you so much .Poppy. It is comforting.

10-04-23, 20:35
Thank you Pamplemousse. This is my first bad cold since November 2021.

11-04-23, 05:04
My most recent one dragged out for a couple of weeks.

11-04-23, 15:00
BlueIris, thank you. I entered third week.

11-04-23, 15:16
I wouldn't worry. Colds can drag on forever, and you know yourself that anxiety tends to heighten symptoms.

12-04-23, 03:00
Share with me guys how long would some of your cold linger, please.

It's been 3 weeks since I tested positive for Covid (tested negative after 11 days) and I still continue to have sinus issues (drainage, congestion, cough). Sometimes the crud just lingers. I partially blame the violent and sudden arrival of allergy season for making things worse.

12-04-23, 18:46
Dearest Lana, we are cold buddies, then. I am still hacking up gross mucous from a cold my child gave me 3 weeks ago. And now, he has come home with another one. I would not be worried about anything sinister, but I DO hope you start to feel better quickly... spring colds are the worst, I think, because everything is so beautiful out there, and yet we suffer! :weep:

12-04-23, 20:22
Punky789, and kyllikki ( my old friend!):)

Thank you so much guys. Since both of you are also in north America, yes, this season the pollen and other stuff is truly raging! All the cars ,and everything else, are covered in fine yellow dust , it is incredible.

I am on Flonase, it is little better for sure, but still irritation in the throat and ( less) cough. Yikes!