View Full Version : Lump in eyelid, I'm worried I'm spiraling again

12-04-23, 15:52
I rubbed my right eye earlier and can feel some sort of lump in the upper eyelid, about halfway between the inner corner and the centre of my eye. I'm almost certain it's in the eyelid and not on my actual eye.
I'm just not in a good place right now with stuff going on for me. I'm trying not to panic but it's starting to take over, fearing the worst.
I know that nobody here can tell me what it is but I'm really struggling with my anxiety.
I don't know what to do with this one

13-04-23, 00:26
Hi, easier said than done but try to work yourself up too much. I have a small lump on my upper eyelid. Been there for as long as I can remember. I worry about a lot of things, but for some reason this doesn’t worry me. If you want to put your mind at rest make a gp appointment, or an appointment at the opticians. They will be happy to answer any questions you have.
Have you spoken to your gp about your anxiety?

13-04-23, 04:37
Probably a calcium lump, they're incredibly common.

13-04-23, 06:09
Could be a chalazion (sounds like a Pokémon) but they're common.

I had one last year and the treatment was to use warm compresses...