View Full Version : How do you guys deal with having colds and getting sick when you have anxiety?

14-04-23, 08:38
I have a cold, it's a common cold, started with a sore throat, slight fever, which made me panic No end and cause me to have night terrors which only made me feel so much worse. Day 3 and I have a weird pain in my chest when I breathe in too deep, I rung the Dr and she said its' like due to my cold and inflamed bronchial etc - so now I'm trying not to freak out about that. She said it's quite common, has anyone ever had it? I haven't!
So I'm on day 3 and can't help but keep catastrophizing. I"m not on medication as I'm 47 now and figure why start now plus the possible side effects would only make it worse for me. How do you guys cope with being sick and just acting like a normal person would??

14-04-23, 11:06
I struggle because I never believe I’m ill, so I blame my anxiety and get myself worked up, but whenever I have Covid for example, there was a test so I was able to relax, accept it’s just a virus and let myself recover - the doctor has done this for you by diagnosing it, so you have to just accept you will be ill for a bit, and you’ll be better before you know it.

14-04-23, 13:28
I’ve got a bad cold at the moment. Woke up this morning and my voice has gone. I know it’s a cold, I’ve had dozens throughout my life and I know they go. You know they do too.

14-04-23, 21:20
Now I've progressed to thinking the pain in my chest is a pulmonary embolism, do you think you'd just get one symptom?I have No others just that pain when breathing in ... I can change it so I don't get the pain if I bend over and breathe in etc or breathe in mainly with my gut ... but now I"m in a state of horrible panic!

15-04-23, 06:14
I gave up trying to act like a normal person years ago – it’s just not worth the effort!

Same here...

16-04-23, 10:12
Now I've progressed to thinking the pain in my chest is a pulmonary embolism, do you think you'd just get one symptom?I have No others just that pain when breathing in ... I can change it so I don't get the pain if I bend over and breathe in etc or breathe in mainly with my gut ... but now I"m in a state of horrible panic!

Trust me, you don’t have a Pulmonary Embolism.
You have the flu.

13-05-23, 07:46
How's the pain in your chest going has it subsided?