View Full Version : Tetanus question

15-04-23, 22:51
Today I scratched myself with the bottom of the metal door to our camper/RV that is stored outside. It is a very minor scratch but did bleed for a second. The door that I cut myself on is not rusty or particularly dirty but it kept outside so it is certainly not sterile either. I cleaned the scratch right away. My health anxiety is particularly high right now because I am currently recovering from COVID and have had too much time to worry about things. So I searched online for how long a tetanus shot is good for after worrying about the fact that I had scratched myself on a metal object that has been outdoors (I had my last tetanus shot 6 years ago). Although it says the boosters are good for 10 years, a lot of websites say you should get another booster if it has been more than 5 years and you have an injury that could cause tetanus. Am I good with my last shot since I am within the 10 years or do I need to be worrying about getting another one now due to my scratch? The fact that I currently have COVID is making me over think this even more since I can’t just walk into any clinic to get a booster and I also don’t know if it is a great idea to get a vaccine while my immune system is fighting covid. My brain tells me I am totally overthinking this but I need some reassurance.

16-04-23, 00:39
I scratched my arm on a screw on our fence yesterday while cutting the lawn. It didn't really hurt when it happened but then I saw it was bleeding pretty good. I cleaned it up, used a styptic pencil to stop the bleeding, got clean and put antibiotic ointment on it. It certainly isn't pretty today but it doesn't hurt and tetanus is the furthest thing from my mind. But then I don't have HA so :shrug:


16-04-23, 02:45
Thanks. I do realize I am being irrational. And most of the time, even I wouldn’t think twice about this sort of minor injury (even though I do suffer from HA). But I’ve had nothing but time the last few days while waiting out covid, and too much idle time tends to be very very bad for my HA. But why in the world do medical personnel say that a booster is good for 10 years if they recommend that you get one after an injury if it has been more than 5 years? Does that mean they don’t really think that the shots work for 10 years or are they just giving out shots this frequently for no good reason?