View Full Version : I really think I have lymphoma. alcohol intolerance?

16-04-23, 08:59
I know alcohol intolerance is a lymphoma symptom and recently I have been getting tipsy of half a glass of wine, and I had a headache last night after two glasses and then extreme nausea 2 hours after I stopped drinking which lead up until this morning. this morning I have an awful hangover and I only had 2 large glasses/half a bottle I used to be able to drink way more without feeling like this. I know bodies change over time but can’t help but think this is sinister . I don’t get the alcohol pain in my lymph nodes when I drink, which I know is more likely than the symptoms I am showing but do you think I need to get this checked out? The nausea last night was debilitating. I’m trying to think maybe anxiety caused it and me panicking made it worse but idk. I also randomly get small pains in my lymph nodes throughout the day.

16-04-23, 13:09
pls can someone help

16-04-23, 18:38
I’ve been a binge drinker for the last 20 years. My tolerance absolutely goes down when I’m going through an anxious phase. All I can figure is booze exacerbates anxiety symptoms and makes me feel like shit.

17-04-23, 07:03
I’ve had this fear before and let me tell you I had all the same symptoms. Once I start working about it , it went away.

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18-04-23, 22:50
Hi there , I suffered from a terrible lymphoma fear almost 10 years ago! It was the worst time of my life and I had every symptom under the sun - including pain in the lymph nodes after drinking . You could not tell me otherwise that it wasn’t lymphoma .

10 years on - no lymphoma and funnily enough all of my symptoms have subsided . I honestly truly believe my mind was so powerful that my symptoms were being produced and it felt so real .

I hope you get over the fear soon as it’s a dark rabbit hole to be in . I’ve had a new spiral since then and a new illness to obsess over and slowly coming out of this one .

19-04-23, 10:54
thank you - as i don’t have the lymph node pain after drinking i am trying to think the nausea is caused by anxiety or acid reflux or something else as usually pain after drinking is more of a sign of lymphoma than feeling sick

24-04-23, 08:07
I think it’s if you have pain after drinking. I have several swollen lymph nodes for 7 years. I thought the same thing but once you move on to something new that symptom will disappear I guarantee.

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25-04-23, 21:27
hi guys sorry for another post i know you’re all probably sick of me posting. but i have been worried about lymphoma and recently i have been so paranoid and i had drink tonight and i noticed a pain in my shoulder / collarbone like lymph node pain for about 1 min pretty much immediately after drinking and i read up about this pain 10 mins before drinking then when i drank the pain happened idk if it was like psychosomatic because i was thinking about it but i am so worried now. like what are the chances i read about it and then it happened??? please can someone reassure me

25-04-23, 21:31

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

26-04-23, 01:04
Just based on your post history the last month, it's quite apparent you're in a pretty deep rabbit hole on this one. And based on personal experience and your post history on the forum, 'Told Ya So' gang on stand by ;)


26-04-23, 07:57
Hi thanks for your reply i know I am very anxious about this but everyone says the pain when drinking is like a definitive symptom for lymphoma and the pain defo happened when I drank wine like a heavy dull pain like someone was pressing down on my shoulder. I really think this has to be lymphoma but i just find it coincidental it happened as soon as i read up on it

26-04-23, 10:06
I'm glad these threads were merged because you can clearly see what caused this latest fear, and you seem to know this yourself but can't fully admit it! You originally thought alcohol intolerance was a symptom of lymphoma and people reassured you, saying it's not intolerance but lymph node pain that is a lymphoma symptom - and about a week later what happens...?! Your anxiety is shifting the goalposts to keep the fire burning. It's actually a really good example of how reassurance is only a short term measure for anxiety

26-04-23, 12:18
Hey i know it does seem weird doesnt it? that i’d google the symptoms and then itd show up? its like i manifested it its so weird. i really hope its just my anxiety playing tricks on me and the pain was unrelated to the alcohol and just a coincidence. i literally had some vodka this morning just to test if the pain would show up again (it didn’t)

27-04-23, 19:45
Guys can someone please reassure me here I had some wine again tonight and I felt a stabbing pain in my chest when I breathed out. This happened 5 mins after the first sip and happened twice and lasted about 5 mins on and off. I just know this has to be lymphoma this is scaring me so much. Someone please tell me theyve had this before. Does the alcohol pain manifest in pain when breathing. This can’t be a coincidence that 2 times after alcohol I have had pain.

Everything online says the alcohol pain lasts 10-30 mins usually and mine only lasted maybe a few mins the other day only 1 min but it still makes me think it’s the pain also the shoulder pain I had the other day is the same kind of pain people with lymphoma alcohol pain described.

It seems to only be with wine, I had vodka yesterday and no issues???

27-04-23, 20:56
I won't reassure you. Go to the doctor. 'Told Ya So' gang on standby :winks:


27-04-23, 21:29
do you think its lymphoma then

27-04-23, 21:36
We don't think it is lymphoma but you are bringing on these symptoms yourself because you have decided it is.

27-04-23, 21:37
How can it be specific alcohol related lymphoma as well - so wine does it but vodka doesn't - have a think about that

27-04-23, 21:39
Thanks for your reply I do think going to dr for reassurance is the best thing but I've had aches and pains after alcohol before and its been nothing so trying to thing rationally but cant stop worrying about it

27-04-23, 21:42
Thanks for your reply I do think going to dr for reassurance is the best thing but I've had aches and pains after alcohol before and its been nothing so trying to thing rationally but cant stop worrying about it

Yes, waste the $$$. Clearly, no amount of reassurance is helping. Let us know what they say!


27-04-23, 21:43
I live in the UK so going to see a doctor is free so i won’t waste any money at least!
thanks will do!

27-04-23, 21:46
I live in the UK so going to see a doctor is free

Wasted resources for people that actually need it? Ok then! Regardless, go. 'Told Ya So' gang on standby ;)