View Full Version : Travel anxiety

17-04-23, 02:48
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder about 6 months ago. I was supposed to go on a trip to ireland with my friends but I could not get in the car to the airport because i WAS SO ANXIOUS. I have been dealing better with my anxiety recently and am supposed to leave on a trip with my friends in a week and am starting to get super anxious. I can't figure out what i'm anxious about. I think it could be just being away from home were i feel that I can go to my room and be safe if i'm anxious. I don't want my anxiety to stop me from going this time but I am dreading it. Please help.

17-04-23, 06:33
I get anxious when I'm going away, whether it's with family or friends. I find if I increase my relaxation techniques in the lead up it helps with the anticipatory anxiety. I don't enjoy flying either so I take magazine's to read, sweets to suck, I have a whole routine to keep my mind busy and use a lot of breathing techniques to help keep me calm. Once I'm there I do enjoy myself, but I make sure I have a bit of time to myself everyday, I read a lot so I take time out to read and I'll do relaxation techniques while I'm away as well.

I don't know what the sleeping arrangements are, but even if you don't have your own room, you can hit the pause button by going to the bathroom for 5 minutes, doing some deep breathes and maybe doing some stretching to get rid of the anxiety? Also you don't have to do what everyone else does, you can take some time out and do your own thing.

You can do this!