View Full Version : hello im tina and suffer with agoraphobia and panic attacks

tina oreilly1
17-04-23, 11:01
hi im tina and suffer from agoraphobia and panic attacks

17-04-23, 11:09
Hiya tina oreilly1 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

tina oreilly1
17-04-23, 11:11

17-04-23, 17:53
Hi Tina and welcome!!

17-04-23, 23:39
Hi tina,

I know how hard this can be. I developed really bad anxiety about a year ago and I did not want to go anywhere. It was like my mind wanted to go but my body would not allow it. You are not alone. So many people struggle with this. If I could give you any advise it would be this:

1. Start slow and go easy on yourself. Exposure is a really good way to help. Work your way up. Start with a walk, then the next day take a trip to the store, then go for a quick meal, etc. The more you do it the more you believe you can do it. And you CAN. I know it may feel impossible but panic attacks are not dangerous. If you have one, be gentle on yourself and give yourself a break. You will be ok. Familiarize yourself with the feeling and be able to tell yourself this is just a panic attack and it is temporary.

2. Try some ways to calm down during panic. I like to listen to music, walk, or get under my weighted blanket. If you are in public you could step outside and do some deep breathing or stroll around until you are clam.

3. Lastly, tell someone. It's so much easier when you are not feeling alone. Tell someone close to you even if it is scary I promise it will help. i worked up the courage to tell my roomates and it turned out they all were medicated for anxiety and panic disorder and I didn't even know. Thats 5 of my closest friends and I had no clue. Its so common.

You got this. And feel free to reach out and ask me anything!!!

we can do this

18-04-23, 11:33
Hi Tina, I'm more of a lurker on these forums but just wanted to pop on and say that Claire Weekes books have helped me a lot with agoraphobia and anxiety. There's also some audios out there by her which a lovely. She's got such a kind grandmotherly voice and in my darkest times they were a real comfort to me. Wishing you all the best :)

tina oreilly1
05-02-24, 09:04
hi does anybody fancy a chat

tina oreilly1
05-02-24, 09:04
hi sorry just noticed ur post, i will look out for her books

tina oreilly1
05-02-24, 09:05

tina oreilly1
06-02-24, 06:24
hi anybody want to chat

06-02-24, 07:34
Feel free to send me a DM, Tina.

tina oreilly1
06-02-24, 10:54
does anybody want to chat

06-02-24, 11:20
I've already offered. Click on my name, then click Private Message.

tina oreilly1
16-02-24, 13:00
does nobody want to chat today im bored

16-02-24, 13:04
Feel free to send me a message if you want.