View Full Version : How common is it to have side effects from antibiotics?

18-04-23, 19:09
Hello everyone,

So I went to my dermatologist and was diagnosed with an infected ingrown hair. The Dr. prescribed an oral antibiotic to take for a week and a topical cream.

It has been years since I took an antibiotic. I don't remember having side effects but I am paranoid about having side effects when I take my first dose this evening.

18-04-23, 19:35
Generally pretty rare, I think. And I think the biggest side effect people have is an upset stomach as antibiotics can occasionally (not always) kill off some of the good bacteria, which can case an upset stomach. Usually you can just eat something with probiotics, like yogurt, and it will right the issue.

18-04-23, 20:27
What antibiotic is it?

18-04-23, 20:47
What antibiotic is it?


18-04-23, 22:12
Ok thanks - never heard of that one.

19-04-23, 13:20
Ok thanks - never heard of that one.

So far I don’t have any side effects other than fatigue but I always worry about severe side effects!