View Full Version : Sweating at night and freaking out

19-04-23, 10:17
Hi everyone, so recently for the last week or so, I have been waking up in the night hot and sweaty. I have been sleeping in a different bedroom than usual with my boyfriend as he is having his current room re-done. We sleep with a winter duvet, so maybe it’s that but I am waking up some nights with sweat on my neck, sometimes on my legs or crotch area where I am wearing underwear and a long sleeve t shirt. I do bundle myself under the thick duvet so maybe it’s that and the new room we are in is more humid, but this never used to happen. it’s not drenching but definitely there and last night my underwear was quite damp. It is quite hot under the thick duvet so I am trying to think maybe it is that. This is as I am currently in a lymphoma scare so I am very worried and would like some reassurance thank you

19-04-23, 10:45
No big deal, promise, I'd be soaked if I slept like that.

19-04-23, 11:45
thanks. i think it’s just what’s throwing me off is it’s every night… but it’s not drenching and it is hot under those covers so i’m sure it’s just that i’m too hot. thank you sm

28-04-23, 01:23
I have been sweating like this when I sleep since I was in college in 2008. I have to sleep in just my underwear no matter how cold it is! I might go to bed cold, but I have to remove my clothes before I actually fall asleep or I’ll wake up soaked. Sometimes different medicines and things can affect this also. Try sleeping in lighter clothing… or none! Lol