View Full Version : Convinced I have leukaemia

19-04-23, 15:50

Last week I woke up to a random bruise on my stomach so went to my drs the next day to get it checked out he’s sent me for a CBC for this Friday to check what’s going on.
Before that I had a bruise on my upper thigh which was very dark but smallish and went away fairly quickly but surprisingly didn’t worry me but the one on the stomach did as I know it’s an unusual place to get a bruise.
Since I went to the doctors I’ve had more bruises crop up on my legs I am black and blue all over and I am so scared. I feel very under the weather and noticed I have petachachie on my arms and a couple on my chest. My joints ache quite badly as well.
I do not know what else this could be aside from the dreaded C word. I had covid a few weeks back and haven’t really felt right since then and I’m scared it’s because I’ve had leukaemia all along. What’s scared me more is how quick the symptoms have delevoped since I saw my GP. I am quite a clumsy person so it may be me but it’s weird I’m bruising everywhere. I take ibuprofen quite frequently for back pain, Pregabalin daily for back pain and I started on citalopram around 2 months ago so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. I also started taking sleeping tablets very recently too.
My anxiety has been sky high and I’ve already started planning out my funeral as I just know I have it. I know no one can diagnose me on here but I’m really reaching out for support please as I don’t know what else to do :-( I can’t look forward to anything because I keep thinking I’ll be in hospital getting chemo, this is the worst HA I have ever experienced in my life because the symptoms are real and not in my head. I cannot get peace at all because it’s all I’m thinking about. I’m so so scared please help