View Full Version : COPD Worries

19-04-23, 16:47
So Ive smoked for 15 years and was arounbd second hand smoke for 25 years. Also worked around hazardous materials with improper protection. I am afraid this breathless while sitting or trying to exercise is copd. My dr wont send me to a specialist he only did an xray and gave me symbicort. I am afraid to die young I am only 35. I am pushing to exercise daily even though it is extremely hard. I pick up the puffer tomorrow to try . I have no other options. I see my dr again june 12. My question is whats the average time lost if I have copd. Google just makes me worry more saying i only have 10-20 years left lol. Anyone else have copd?

21-04-23, 20:03
Darn no response. Srry to bug yas

21-04-23, 20:20
We have no idea if it is COPD or not but it is extremely unlikely at your age and why did you come to that conclusion in the first place?

22-04-23, 06:21
We have no idea if it is COPD or not but it is extremely unlikely at your age and why did you come to that conclusion in the first place?

Constant breathless even at rest. I'm on symbicort 4 inhalation a day. Still breathless but not as much. Dr won't refer mevto a specialist. Says xray is clear a year ago. Now my breathing is worse. The high breathless came on suddenly. But as a pot smoker I've always had minor breathless.
Thx for trying to help. I'm just scared I only have a few yrs left. My dr will only do another xxray. That only show advanced. I see him may 1rst again to try to get testing