View Full Version : Still getting brain fog

19-04-23, 19:31
So this is probably the longest health anxiety flare up I have had in a long time!! Have posted a few times on here about various things during it and I do feel better in some ways but I jusy cannot shift this brain fog / heavy head feeling!

Prior to Easter I was having full on panic attacks at work and in public places as well as palpatations and brain fog. I had 10 days booked off after Easter and found that being home I got a real grip on things everything settled down and I was even able to go to a few public places.

Fast forward to the return to work and although I have not had a panic attack the anxiety is real and on the first day I found my self panicking while stood up in a long meeting and my heart was racing that set the theme for the day and I was left with this horrific head feeling, woozy, foggy, off balance etc and I began to stress about it by the time I got home I convinced myself I was ill and evening was a wipe out!

When I got up this morning my head was clear again but I did have low mood and struggled to get myself going but I did. Arrived at work and within a few hours the head had started again, although not as badly!! It did clear up a little at home time but I still have a funny head now although it's better than yesterday!

I am struggling to believe that this is just my anxiety, why won't it go way!! (Even though it did when I was off)

I need to focus that my 10 days away from my main stressor allowed me to relax and calm down! Could this just be the anticipation of returning to where the panic was and that I just need to calm my thoughts??

I just want to feel normal again 😞

20-04-23, 13:38

Apologies I cannot offer any solution, but just wanted to share that I have very similar issues with feelings of head pressure, brain fog, off-balance and if of any re-assurance have seen Neuro and had MRI which all came back clear.

Just like you, in the mornings I feel fine - but after a couple of hours at workplace (office) the brain fog starts to move in and slowly build throughout the day, at the end of day it feels like my head has been shoved in a pressure cooker. I also can experience this in certain busy public environments, and at it's worst I have real problems with balance, I remember going to the gym after work to try and help me feel better but having issues in just placing my feet on the treadmill - I probably looked drunk or something !

Have been prescribed with Sertraline but it does nothing for me - except make me sweat very easily, I just to feel normal too !