View Full Version : Excessive Gas Issues

20-04-23, 04:42
Hey Guys,

I'm new to this forum so not really sure where to begin.

My stomach is a mess and I don't know what to do.

For about a year and a half or so now maybe a little longer I've dealt with constant farting. At first it never really affected me, but now it's gotten to the point where it's affecting me both mentally and psychically.

I literally can't go a day without obsessing about it or thinking about it that I literally can't enjoy my days because I'm worried about why I'm farting and producing so much gas every single day. It never lets up either, for the most part it's relentless.

I produce 35-45 farts per day on average, some days a little more and other days a little less, but never anything less than 20 farts per day.

It's gotten to the point where I'm embarrassed to even go out anywhere, or hang out with friends because of how many times I fart and sometimes how awful they smell. Literally I've had family and friends tell me they are terrible and smell so bad sometimes.

They don't always smell, some days they don't smell at all but that's when I don't fart as much.

The biggest thing is that it really messes with my head and give's me so much anxiety just thinking about constantly throughout the day.

I do notice, most of the time it is worse in the morning than in the afternoon or at night. I definitely fart a lot more first thing in the morning and as soon as I get up for the day. I'm not sure if there is a correlation but it does seem to be consistent more often in the morning then throughout the day. Some days yes it's relentless and doesn't go away at all, but for the most part it's not as bad as the mornings.

I was okay with up until one of my friends told me farting a lot and foul smelling gas can be a sign of colon cancer. I freaked and immediately thought but there would be other symptoms.

Then I started to remember what other symptoms I have had in the past year or two that could be a possibility.

Well, from time to time I notice when I wipe with toilet paper sometimes there is bright red blood on it. Not any in the toilet but just a bit on the toilet paper when wiping. I also have a rash around my buttocks area that is often extremely itchy and has been there for some time now. It has never really gone away unless I put some ointment or something on it. I try not to scratch it, but it is extremely itchy at times. I thought maybe it's because I use wet wipes more often then I do toilet paper and maybe they cause irritation, but along with other symptoms it really sent me into overdrive.

Sometimes I get stomach/abdominal pains that come and go in waves but is often a dull ache. Some days I feel extremely nauseous depending on what I've eaten that day. Most of the times my stools are very soft and mushy and not usually solid forming, often times they float and they also have a very distinct odor to them compared to before.

Then on top of all of this I feel fatigued even when when I get enough rest the night before. I will always feel tired or sluggish after eating certain foods or heavy meals. Some days I don't feel tired at all, and then other days I just feel extreme fatigue.

Back when Covid first began in 2019, I was farting upwards of 80 times per day, so it's definitely gotten better over the years, but to me it's still quite excessive to be happening daily without ease.

I live a fairly healthy lifestyle, I exercise, I play basketball, I workout sometimes and try to keep active most days.

I'm just not sure what to do at this point or what to think. Im scared it could be something totally worse than just gas, but then I try to tell myself I'm still young but then again colon cancer can happen at a young age as well. It's just a vicious cycle and I'm just looking for relief.

20-04-23, 07:36
I produce 35-45 farts per day on average, some days a little more and other days a little less, but never anything less than 20 farts per day.

10 - 25 farts per day is average, but that figure can fly up with IBS...

They don't always smell, some days they don't smell at all but that's when I don't fart as much.

Constipation can make farts smell (for obvious reasons), as can certain foods...

The biggest thing is that it really messes with my head and give's me so much anxiety just thinking about constantly throughout the day.

Which will absolutely be worsening the problem (If it's not the cause in the first place, as with IBS)

I do notice, most of the time it is worse in the morning than in the afternoon or at night. I definitely fart a lot more first thing in the morning and as soon as I get up for the day. I'm not sure if there is a correlation but it does seem to be consistent more often in the morning then throughout the day. Some days yes it's relentless and doesn't go away at all, but for the most part it's not as bad as the mornings.

It's normal to fart more in the mornings and prior to a bowel movement....

I was okay with up until one of my friends told me farting a lot and foul smelling gas can be a sign of colon cancer. I freaked and immediately thought but there would be other symptoms.

There is a list off far more likely causes for this before you enter the cancer territory...

Well, from time to time I notice when I wipe with toilet paper sometimes there is bright red blood on it. Not any in the toilet but just a bit on the toilet paper when wiping. I also have a rash around my buttocks area that is often extremely itchy and has been there for some time now. It has never really gone away unless I put some ointment or something on it. I try not to scratch it, but it is extremely itchy at times. I thought maybe it's because I use wet wipes more often then I do toilet paper and maybe they cause irritation, but along with other symptoms it really sent me into overdrive.

Bright red blood (as in, fresh blood) on the TP usually suggests piles or a fissure..

When you say 'itchy rash' on the buttocks, do you mean your bum-hole? If so, again, that's common with the above...

Sometimes I get stomach/abdominal pains that come and go in waves but is often a dull ache. Some days I feel extremely nauseous depending on what I've eaten that day. Most of the times my stools are very soft and mushy and not usually solid forming, often times they float and they also have a very distinct odor to them compared to before.

I could have written this, and I have IBS, However, IBS is a diagnosis of elimination (there's a pun in there somewhere ha) and it's common sense to get symptoms out by a doctor. It's what they're there for, and it stops anxiety from spiralling with imaginary diseases. Also, they can help us to cure or manage our symptoms...

Then on top of all of this I feel fatigued even when when I get enough rest the night before.

Again, normal.

I will always feel tired or sluggish after eating certain foods or heavy meals.

Normal. Even when I was a sprightly 20-year-old (*weeps*) I would go into a semi-coma after a Sunday lunch (With pudding)

I'm just not sure what to do at this point or what to think. Im scared it could be something totally worse than just gas, but then I try to tell myself I'm still young but then again colon cancer can happen at a young age as well. It's just a vicious cycle and I'm just looking for relief.

It's highly unlikely to be colon cancer, but this issue is clearly affecting your daily life and confidence, so the right person to be seeing with this is your doc.

I find that drinking peppermint tea helps my with my gas issues... something for you to try?

20-04-23, 16:29
Thank you so much for the reply!

I do appreciate it, It really helped eased my intrusive thoughts.

It's never really affected me up until now and I'm not sure why, maybe because of the isolation when covid first started so maybe that spiked my anxiety and made the symptoms worse, I'm not sure.

After reading your comments I definitely feel a lot better.

I was thinking, could a food intolerance maybe cause these issues as well?

I've never really cut certain foods out of my diet but I do know as we get older it's harder to digest dairy.

Also, I've never tried drinking peppermint tea but I think I'll start in the mornings and see how it goes.

I just thought with all my symptoms that I have, some new and some that have always kind of been there was something worse.

Yes, as for the rash it is around and very close to the inside of the bum-hole area. It's been there for awhile, so again, I try not to think the worst, but when it doesn't heal it makes me think something more sinister. Then again it is very itchy.

Oh and one more thing, I do notice that when I'm in class or at school it tends to not be as bad, and sometimes I don't even realize I have to fart. It's like a temporary relieve as well when I'm playing basketball and running around. It goes away then too.