View Full Version : Blood sugar?, morning anxiety

20-04-23, 10:05
I'm panicking, I keep feeling like blood sugar dropping feel suddenly panicky, whoozy, brain fog, need to eat about every 3 to 4 hours , afterwards I still feel awful for a short while, mu anxiety is worse in the mornings, I feel so whoozy when I wake, dizzy, so scared, a lot of brain fog, 1 year post menopause, mum came and did my bloods as my step father checks his it was 4.9 2 hours after eating I dont know if this is good or bad? My Dr caring me on 27th of this month as a routing blood test he dud with my yrly thyroid test I think its hc1a or done thing was elevated....I'm feeling so scared, my head is all over the place, and my balance when I turn or move suddenly ,gives me sudden headrush....could just cry...I know I'm super stressed at the moment trying to organise 2 weddings, and daughter baby due anytime that I'm going to be there supporting her ,bloods loads of other bits going on? Any advice I would welcome

24-04-23, 11:51
I'm not an expert with Diabetes, I am not diabetic, but all I can tell you for:

it was 4.9 2 hours after eating I dont know if this is good or bad
It's not bad at all, VERY normal.

Normal ranges (when fasting, like in the mornings you describe before eating), readings are good between 3.9–5.5, and can go up to ~7.8 2 hours after eating, but then again, depends WHAT you eat, how much of it, how quickly you metabolize, etc. But given the little info, yes, 4.9 is very safe.

I'd still be curious as to what your readings are DURING the periods where you feel awful. I'm NOT suggesting they would be abnormal (I'm a hypochondriac and panic attack sufferer myself so I know how we can misread things). Because if the blood sugar levels are normal while you are feeling awful before eating, it could be simply panic and/or anxiety.

Also: has this been going on a for a while? I have had a period where I felt that way, even had the shakes which are typical of hypoglycemia, and I got my levels checked, was told to eat more sustainable foods (whatever that meant) instead of ONLY sugary stuff, and when my worries about it went away, I felt better (I had actually forgotten that short period which was a few years ago).

Also (again), is it possible you are so anxious that you're burning more energy thus feeling a crash, then a rush, then a crash, so forth? I think it could be a possibility.

When you say your hc1a (which I think is HbA1c) was elevated, did your doctor say anything in the likes of "Oh, you might have Diabetes / preDiabetes"? I'd imagine, although I don't know 100%, that if there was cause for concern about the "elevated" amount, he/she would've mentioned something about it?

I'm sorry I don't have the best of answers for you but I thought I'd throw in my 2 cents since no one has replied since. I know this is hard to do but trying thinking proactively and telling yourself you are safe, that whatever happens, you will get the adequate treatment, and if it's "nothing", then you'll be able to make peace with it and have less worries about it. I wish you the best

24-04-23, 21:31
I was diagnosed type 2 diabetic 12 months ago aged 69.Did the Dr say what your hc1a was?
5.7 is normal.

22-05-23, 09:56
Hi its 44

22-05-23, 21:07
Is that 4.4 or 44?
If it's 4.4 all good.
If it's 44 see your doctor for a check up.

23-05-23, 03:26
if it's 44mmol/mol it's a little higher than normal but not diabetic. I'm in that pre-diabetic range as well and also get some blood sugar lows. If I eat too many carbohydrates on their own I will spike too high and then my body over-reacts and creates too much insulin and I drop a bit too low and will feel shaky/anxious. I just make sure to not overdo the carbs and balance with some protein/fat which really helps to keep things more stable. I eat a lot healthier now, slowly losing weight, go for more walks etc...so being told I was pre-diabetic has actually been a positive for me to make those lifestyle changes. My HbA1c has been in high normal levels now although my fasting is usually still in pre-diabetic range (my doctor has put that down to morning anxiety pushing it up a little whenever I get the morning fasting test). Stress will mess with blood sugar levels too - can both increase and decrease it. I have a little home glucose monitor and when I first started changing my diet a few years ago I could check which foods affected me the most which helped a lot to get things stabilised.