View Full Version : ectopic beats

26-11-07, 22:03

Having some weird feelings around my heart, sort of like a skipped beat in rapid succession. only lasts for a few minutes.

Is this what is known as ectopic beats?


26-11-07, 22:37

Have a read of the ectopics forum under symptoms and the palpitations website on the left.

30-06-08, 14:30
I think they may be, I have been having skipped beats around 24/7 for 6 weeks now and they are awful, I have had an ECG which showed the skipped beats and I have to have a 24 hour ECG 2 weeks today,I have been told that they are nothing to worry about and to try to forget about them, easy said when it feels so wierd, I refuse to worry about them, I just hope they go away as Inm going Cyprus in 3 weeks and wanna feel ok. All I can advise is get them checked at Docs but try to convince yourself that you will wake up in the morning co,s you will x