View Full Version : 24/7 anxiety ruining my life

23-04-23, 20:55
I’ve posted before about suffering from long covid. I have been in hospital about 12 times since January all to have x rays, ultrasounds and full blood works come back normal.

I have been bed bound a lot since December with this illness. During Easter I had a few good weeks where I was able to leave the house but the things became quite surreal. I have anxiety now 24/7 where diazepams aren’t even cutting it. I have such bad brain fog I can’t even think straight I have had to go off work. I feel like I have brain damage and constant DPDR. I feel so weak like I’m dying even though I was just in the hospital on Wednesday and blood works was all fine. I did get some fluids for a high heart rate. Can anyone help me? Is this chronic anxiety that has caused me to get very sick? I don’t know how to cope and have this constant feeling of impending doom that I’m going to die. It’s the worst my anxiety has ever been in my life. I’m only 35 :( any help or advice would be great. I started counselling on Thursday but thinking I may need something abit more intense for the way I am atm.

24-04-23, 06:03
Are you on any other medication to help with the anxiety? If not it might be worth talking to your GP about something more long term than diazepam. If you are already on other medication it might be worth discussing a dosage change or alternative medication.

Feeling anxious 24/7 is awful, I've been there too. As well as medication and counselling there are lots of things you can do yourself like mindfulness, meditation and yoga (I do all of them). Things will improve, it takes time.