View Full Version : In memory of Lea (leo05)

24-04-23, 23:30
Over the weekend I heard the very sad news that Lea (leo05) passed away unexpectedly.

Many of the "older" members on NMP will remember Lea and her partner Susie who is also a NMP member.

I met Lea and Susie in 2008 when we had a group meet-up.

Out of respect for Lea and Susie I am letting NMP members know and I am sure Susie would appreciate any memories and kind thoughts.

Thanks all.

RIP Lea and sending all your family and friends my thoughts at this time.

25-04-23, 23:24
Such sad news, RIP Lea

05-05-23, 21:16
I'm afraid I didn't know her. But such sad news. RIP Lea

06-05-23, 08:54
such sad news xx thinking of all the family