View Full Version : Having intense fear of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

25-04-23, 00:34
Their was a short portion of a to show that spoke about young people dying suddenly and without symptoms of SADS, and maybe because I’ve been stressed last while, it’s inducing an intense reaction of fear about it, especially because I struggle to sleep anyway, so this just makes it harder. I’m also panicking because I’ve started to do a little exercise, just at home because I work from home, as I’ve lost 10ths since beginning of the year. Nothing intensive as I get tired pretty quickly cause of my thyroid, but you hear about people, healthy people just dropping during exercise or in their bed, it’s very frightening. I don’t know if this condition is rare or not, but all the recent talk about it was worrying for me. I think I had an ecg maybe 3-4 months ago, and that was fine.

im 35yr old female, I take half-beta prograde slow release 80mg for anxiety. This just triggered/ an intense fear in me for some reason and I hate feeling that. Is this irrational? You sometimes hear about symptoms like chest pain etc, so it’s confusing when they talk about it, and how often it happens.

25-04-23, 00:57
Mischa, you've been on the sight for a while and I've replied to many of your posts through the years. I know enough from your history and I know you know deep down the irrationality of your fear, regardless of what the dragon is telling and doing to you. This is a blip. You have the skills and inner fortitude to nip this in the bud ;) You've done it before and you can do it again :yesyes:


05-05-23, 19:21
@Fishmanppa Sorry I didn't get back to you Fish! I've had a rough ol' time, and it was made worse last night when I checked my heartrate and it seem to drop into the 40's! I ended up getting an ambulance and being brought to A&E for the night. According to the Paramedic, who had my wired up to the ECG the whole way, my heart rate was perfect, and she thinks my thyroid needs adjusting. I worried about my heart the whole way, once I seen it drop so low, I ran into auto pilot panic attacks, shaking, tightness in chest, thought the worst of course and felt monumentally horrible for taking their time.

Anyway, had bloods, blood pressure, another ECG and they all came back normal and healthy she said. Nurses kept changing round so had to keep getting blood pressure etc, and explaining my medications and history, and was seen then by another nurse who said Bloods were normal, ECG normal etc, and she said sometimes it's normal for the heart rate to drop into the 40s with healthy people (didn't think I was that healthy), but she wanted to know if I lost weight recently, and I said yes, as I have been dieting for the last several months, getting down 11lbs through calorie restriction, no big gym or exercise thing.

So yeah, that is the only time that my heart rate fell into the 40's which is why I think I had a massive panic attack, as I thought something terrible was wrong and then the worst ya know? Nurse said to make appointment with my doctor to talk about maybe reducing beta blockers (obviously not to stop taking it until I see my own doc), she didn't say I had to see my doctor immediately, so I have an appointment next week and he'll have the records from hospital by tonight. She also, I think suggested a 24hr holter, or monitor thing, but yeah she told me my ECG and bloods etc were normal, and that was twice - in the ambulane throughout the hour journey, and then at the hospital again, they said it was normal.

Maybe an accumulation of worrying about my heart rate dropping so low, and the recent fixation on Sudden Death Syndrome has caused a fire storm of panic...I'm honestly pretty exhausted right now, and just wanted to update, it was pretty frightening.