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View Full Version : Anxiety about recent frequent urination flare up causing me to not sleep.

25-04-23, 02:23
Basically, I had a CT scan this morning. I was given 2 bottles of Barium Sulfate to take prior to going in for my scan. Upon drinking the first bottle, after a little while, I noticed having to pee often. Then I drank the second bottle and shortly after, went in for my CT scan. After the scan and I went home, I have been having to pee quite often and even have a bit of tingling or cool sensation in my private part when having to pee. It often occurs minutes after peeing.

I don't know what could have caused this but I was fine prior to drinking the bottles. I'm scared I won't sleep because how can I when I'm constantly having to pee? If it never stops, how can one ever sleep? And yes, the CT scan was for a urinary issue that's been ongoing for over a year now. I discussed that before on here. But this is different from that because that issue only happens at night when I'm in bed and usually stops at some point. This? It seems constantly ongoing and idk what to do to do to get it back to normal again.

I'm getting bad anxiety that I won't sleep because of this and that the peeing won't ever stop. It has to calm down at some point right? But it just doesn't seem like it's going to. It hasn't since it started this morning.

25-04-23, 06:18
It'll just be your body trying to get rid of the barium sulphate. Drink plenty of water and it will settle down.

25-04-23, 15:18
Is that possible for that to be a side effect though? Nothing I’ve looked up says anything about peeing a lot from taking the stuff. Either way, it’s a concern but I think maybe I slept a little bit last night. It was not easy. Hoping that by going to work today, things will settle down more for me.

05-05-23, 04:04
The urination did settle down but it's flared back up again. Last night, I barely even slept because it was so bad. Usually, it lasts a few hours and I eventually sleep. But last night, it just lasted all night. I honestly don't know what to do if it continually keeps from sleeping. I am working on resolving the issue but the problem is every time I get tested, it comes back with nothing. The results from the CT scan didn't reveal anything.

I firmly believe this is a Pelvic Floor issue but it doesn't change the fact that it's causing me terrible anxiety at night about how i'll sleep.

06-05-23, 20:45
Of course you can't sleep when you're obsessing over how much you'll sleep. Sleep happens best when you don't think about it. Also, missing sleep is not the end of the world. You'll be a bit tired, until you get so tired that you'll sleep really well.