View Full Version : scared

17-02-05, 12:22
hi anyone!
can someone please tell me if anxiety symptoms are the same as panic disorder please.[?]
i got up yesterday morning feeling okish, then i went to work on my push bike[as usual] and for some reason,when i arrived i was really out of breath , i got scared, and i felt awful after that for ages, the breathless was so scarey, i couldnt calm myself down at all do u think
theres something wrong with my lungs, do you think i need to have my chest checked again [?]
today i woke up with those physical feelings again,[i cant explain them] and been jittery ever since, i even got worried in the bath as im on my,own thinking what if something happened to me.[Sigh...] are u really sure nothing will happen to me, is it panic or something else.
one last question, would you be able to tell me if propanolol has any bad side effects like more anxiety or panic attacks ect ,if so can u tell me which is the best to take with min side effects thankyou for taking time reading this i hope u can help
regards sue

17-02-05, 12:44

Anxiety is a lower, less extreme form than panic . Anxiety can escalate up to panic.

Was the out of breath not due to the bike ride- ? you would be more out of breath than usual if you were brewing a cold .

Unlikley to be something suddenly wrong with your lungs.

Today it just the memory of yesterday - ** thinking what if ** the most classic anxiety provoking 3 words ...

No bad side effects from propanolol but don't take if you have ashma.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

17-02-05, 12:57
hi meg
thanks for reply, does propanolol help anxiety and panic attacks, or does it make it worse before it kicks in,do you become dependant on them, sue

17-02-05, 13:03
No, you don't get dependent on them.

They help by stopping scary symptoms like your heart racing and feeling out of breath. They are betablockers and wil not help with whats going on in your head.

You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

17-02-05, 13:52
thanks meg, i feel a little reasured now, but ive got to go to work tomorrow im a bit scared incase it happens again. i used to be on propanolol years ago if i remember correctly it did help, unless it was me helping myself, im going back to drs to see if she will give me a low dose of them,like last time. the reason i asked about them is because the dr put me on fluoxetine [20mg] i havent taken any cause she said they will probably make me more anxious for a couple of weeks thats something i dont need at the moment. [:) sue

17-02-05, 15:12
Hi Sue,

You said "ive got to go to work tomorrow im a bit scared in case it happens again". Don't allow your fear to make you think like this. Nobody can say what tomorrow will bring. You will however increase the chances of "it" happening again if you keep thinking it will. Forget the negative thinking (I know it is difficult) and just remember how many times you have gone to work and felt fine.

For arguments sake only Sue, we will say you went to work tomorrow and felt anxious and afraid. This would feel scary, but it will not kill you, it will not give you a heart attack, and it is a fear of fear and nothing else. You can control this fear and beat it, you have that power. Fear is a coward and we don't have to be afraid of it.

Good luck Sue, and keep posting. :)


Take little steps and remember it is OK if your recovery is not a smooth one.

17-02-05, 15:45
Hi Sue

I'm sure this is another case of the fear of the fear causing the problem and that there's nothing else 'wrong'.. this anticipatory fear is a nasty trigger for these feelings..

Try taking your mind off it if you can and see if you feel better..

Hope this little helps you a bit..

Hang on in there and don't beat yourself up!

Good luck


17-02-05, 17:26
Hi sue welcome to the site. I tried Fluoxetine (Prozac) For 4 weeks for anxiety and phobias and found even though i wasnt on them long enough they didnt realy help me. I read so much that Prozac seems to help depression a little but none seemed to have and help with Anxiety/panic from them, and lots seemed to say how good Cipralex was for panic/anxiety/ I read up lots on this med and found the same in other sites how this helped so many. so I asked my doctor for some Cipralex. I found after just a few weeks I felt much better. but as everything still have my bad days , but glad to say less bad days now. My shrink said Cipralex was a good choice as they havnt found anything yet that interacts with this med, it quite new and dont usualy give any side effects, which it didnt with me. The out of breath, then worrying about it then being scared of it happening again seems so much like anxiety/panic to me, I get out of breath lots as many on here do also. But it is better to visit GP and ask her so she can check you aout and see if u do have another problem just to give you peace of mind. we also have a chat room if u want to talk to other people with the same problems at


There is usualy someone in there after 8 30pm. take care and good luck. Vernon