View Full Version : Hit my head on dresser drawer

26-04-23, 01:21
I hope everyone is doing well. Today I was getting dressed, but I forgot to close my top wooden dresser drawer and I stupidly walked into it/bent forward and hit my forehead. I didn’t lose consciousness or bruise, but I have a headache in my forehead. I also feel lightheaded/dizzy but I don’t know if that’s my anxiety because I’m terrified I have a brain bleed or concussion. Is something like that possible from a minor hit? I’m so scared. Am I overreacting? Thanks for reading

26-04-23, 16:38
I'm sorry you've bumped your head - it's horrible, isn't it? I've done that a few times! What you describe is perfectly normal - dizziness, nausea, headache, feeling shaky and wobbly - and of course the anxiety will add more adrenaline which makes all those feelings ten times worse. Just take it easy and try not to panic. You've had a bump, you've had a scare, but you don't have a brain bleed. If you had concussion you wouldn't be able to think or write so coherently, and you would have obvious symptoms. I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine. Xx

26-04-23, 17:41
Thank you so so much for your response. You’re so kind and understanding. It is definitely a scare, and it’s so hard to tell what is anxiety and what is truly from the bump! Everyone around me thinks i’m nuts for even mentioning these problems from the bump lol. I will try to relax a bit. I hope you are well. Xx