View Full Version : Pink discharge after end of period

26-04-23, 15:33
Probably being silly; I'm 46 and perpetually stressed.

I got my period the Sunday before last, and bled until approximately the Saturday as usual. Have been getting intermittent pinkish discharge since then.

Brain says perimenopause, HA says cancer; would rather not visit the doctor because I'm phobic and the amount of blood has to be virtually homeopathic it's such pale pink.

GP has previously said that spotting happens in your 40s and basically not to worry about it, even a week after my period; also had a bit of ovarian pain this morning so it's perfectly possible I'm just ovulating.

Sorry for the reassurance request, I just found myself falling down the Google-hole today and I need to nip this in the bud.

27-04-23, 06:50
I think you should go with what your GP said before and try not to worry about it. Then if it happens again next month think about talking to them again. All kinds of weird things happen with perimenopause, I remember having spotting once when I hadn't had a period for years because I have the Mirena coil, gave me a real shock, but didn't happen again (I don't think - hard to remember now).

27-04-23, 06:59
Thanks, Catkins. Honestly, I've been a bit sore so it could even be a mild infection.

27-04-23, 22:50
Yes possibly an infection or just general dryness due to peri x

28-04-23, 05:17
It's been gone for over 24 hours now, so I'm crossing fingers.

Also my lovely office buddy (who has gynaecological problems far worse than mine) has told me that any time I start to freak out I should talk to her instead of Googling.

28-04-23, 07:29
That's a really good idea, it's so easy to fall down a rabbit hole with Google.

28-04-23, 07:59
It is, I'd gone back to self-checking before I managed to pull myself out.

30-04-23, 13:58
Okay, bit panicked now, I seem to have a new period arriving 2 weeks after the last one began.

01-05-23, 08:12
Could still peri related. I have a friend that happened to regularly. How did it go for the rest of the day?

01-05-23, 08:44
Still bleeding, it's only really spotting but red. A bit queasy with panic, but since the bleeding isn't heavy I'll wait and see how things pan out next month.

01-05-23, 12:20
I’m having blood/pink tinged discharge also that started at the end of my period. Really worried about it. I had a C-section 7 weeks ago and had the usual bleed for four weeks it then stopped for a week and I had no bleeding until I bled again which I presumed was my first period after birth which lasted a week but then I started getting the blood/pink tinged discharge. I get it about 4 times throughout the day and it scares me. I know it’s probably something to do with just having a baby but my health anxiety mind just keeps telling me the c word :( I’m awaiting a call from the doctors tomorrow so hoping I get some reassurance.

01-05-23, 12:43
Crossing everything for you!

02-05-23, 11:11
I think it's probably maybe stopped now. I hope. Saying it might have feels like I'm cursing myself.

Still very anxious, still sore because I'm still checking myself. Gave myself the raging anxiety suits and am now of course assuming my aching guts are endometrial cancer.

Will be okay sooner or later but I do wish it would bugger off so I didn’t feel compelled to get up three times a night and stick my fingers up myself.

Practicing gratitude: the lovely office buddy brought me her leftover pasta for lunch today, and I feel privileged.