View Full Version : Warm, sore area under jaw on left side - panicking!

26-04-23, 15:50
I'm a LONG term health anxiety sufferer, (I'm 64) but this one is new to me. I noticed yesterday that there were fleeting twinge type sensations just underneath my left jaw, around the neck/jaw/ear area - almost like when you suck on a bit of lemon and get that sudden but brief wincing pain. I didn't think much about it until it happened again this morning, and then my anxiety kicked in. It's now mid afternoon, and despite knowing I shouldn't, I've been googling. Can't find anything reassuring - I know, when is Google ever reassuring? However I'm not thinking that the area feels warm. I can't feel anything different when I compare both sides of my jaw and I don't have toothache or any dental issues. The discomfort seems to happen when I put my front teeth together - not when I chew down with all my teeth - just to front ones. Other times I just get a short fleeting wince. Of course now I've become over focused on the area it feels like the warmth is spreading up my cheek too. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Thanks in advance. Big hugs to all health anxiety sufferers!