View Full Version : A lump (maybe) on my inner thigh

27-04-23, 09:04
Hi all, hope everyone's ok. I've been driving myself crazy about a possible lump on my inner thigh.

The thing is, I only notice it if I'm standing up and run my fingers over it lightly. If I press down on it, it just feels like the rest of my leg - there doesn't feel like there's a lump there.

And if I sit down and move my leg around, it isn't there.

So I think it's probably just my skin doing something weird? My weight fluctuates a bit (always has) and I've probably lost/ gained fat and muscle in my legs over the last few months.

But every time I reassure myself I keep then noticing it and sending myself into a frenzy.

Because it's so abstract I'm not even sure if I want to waste doctor's time with it - plus I'm dealing with something else with the dr at the moment and feel like I can only do one thing at a time.

Has anyone experienced this? I'm 30 y/o, no medical conditions that I'm aware of. I have booked on to get some therapy in the next month and will be discussing my HA with her then.

27-04-23, 11:22
You'll be okay - fatty tissue is lumpy. My thighs feel like cobblestones ;)