View Full Version : Colon cancer/stomach worries

28-04-23, 15:23
Hi all - down the rabbit hole again on colon/rectal cancer.

For the past month or so, I’ve had pressure/bloating towards the bottom of my abdomen, almost near the pubis area. There’ve been times where I’ve rushed to go to the bathroom, only to pass gas or some light mucus. Often, I’ve been passing hard, small stools that don’t really relieve any symptoms. Finally, recently I’ve been noticing flattish, ribbon like stools which I’ve read can be a foreboding sign.
I know much of this could be due to other factors, eg constitution from not drinking enough water, anxiety, etc, but still on edge

I have my annual physical in a few weeks and will bring up to my doctor but am still fairly nervous. I’m 38 and have read there are increases in younger folks being diagnosed with colon cancer. It’s a major fear of mine, so any reassurance would be much appreciated.

09-05-23, 14:20
Just bumping my post. Stools are now a bit wider but still have abdominal pain. This morning, there weee a few very small red specs when wiping.