View Full Version : Wins against health anxiety big or small

28-04-23, 16:14
Hi all, so I've decided as part of my own determination to rid myself of this existence I'm going to post any good things or wins I come across to help anyone else. I'm sure alot will be obvious to others but if it helps 1 person else then thats great. I aim to update this post as time goes on

Day 1 - spoken to gp, offered meds and booked in both counseling and CBT so feel like I'm stepping in the right direction. Offered me a FIT test to clear up my current meltdown around bowel issue ( currently working on bravery to take it) I felt a bit miserable still and haven't left the house for 3 days due to a sick little one.. So decided to walk for an hour headphones in, down to a coffee shop for a latte and fresh air, cleared my mind and it's the best hour I've had in 3 days! Seems so simple but really really force yourself out even for an hour, fresh air and sunshine can give you an hour of peace at the worst... Its so worth it

28-04-23, 16:20
Well done! It's wonderful when you see the sunlight, isn't it? I mean that both literally and metaphorically :)

28-04-23, 17:14
Absolutely, I know how hard it is.. Sometimes we wake up and the urge to pull the quilt over your head and stay where you are because you just want the escape of being asleep.. I liken it to my only guaranteed peace but it's about forcing yourself out, fresh air, it's a guarantee you'll feel better than sitting indoors.. You can't feel worse 😊

29-04-23, 14:34
Today's win, got out the house again for an hour or so, didn't feel as good as yesterday but hey ho. One thing I've tried saying to myself... What if, just what if, all this worrying is for nothing?? Won't that be frustrating once I reach that conclusion...

29-04-23, 15:45
Great going! I wanted to leave the house today but life got in the way a bit. Planning a nice long walk tomorrow.

29-04-23, 17:08
Sometimes life and circumstances gives us a reason to say we can't get out and about, especially when we aren't feeling great it's the easy choice to stay in. I hope you get out and about tomorrow, if for nothong other than filling your lungs with fresh air and the likely chance to forget your troubles for at least just a little while 😊

30-04-23, 19:58
Today has been much harder, didn't want to get up. Had the chance of a lay in but as soon as I woke up my head was off in racing mode... So frustrating, does anyone else get this?

I don't feel like I've had mu h of a win today I guess apart from no google at all and no asking for reassurance from the wife.

I've been wondering, do others find there appetites are affected when having a bad episode of HA? I find it a struggle to eat anything as I just don't feel hungry.. Usually I have no issue eating as my waist can evidence 😂