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View Full Version : Sepsis

28-04-23, 17:32
Hello, I was recently hospitalized for 5 days with a strep bacteria infection in my blood. I responded well to the antibiotics and continued to do intravenous antibiotics with a midline up until yesterday. The midline was taken out and I was just told to follow up with my PCP. I just have some concerns that may be strange, but I have this fear of the infection returning. My doctors and nurses were amazing, but I hated being in the hospital and hated having to go to the infusion center everyday for the antibiotic. So I just have a fear of it returning and having to go through all of that again. They checked my blood cultures from 4/13-4/19 and said no growth in 5 days. During this infection, my white blood cells were low, but I had labs done last week as well and they're back to normal. My labs, EKG, and x-rays all look good. But since all of these tests were done last week, I'm nervous that the infection may be returning somehow and my mind just wants me to keep going to the doctor to make sure everything is ok. Just looking for anyone that's had experience with sepsis and if it sounds like I should be concerned with my labs and everything even though they were done last week? I know this may just be my anxiety talking but just looking for anyone with a similar experience. Thank you

28-04-23, 19:53
As someone who watched his wife die from sepsis, I can tell you now that you don't have it.

When it appears, it rapidly worsens and in my wife's case, she died with a temperature of 44 Celsius and blood pressure through the floor.

By all means spend your insurance on reassurance checks, but the fact you're sat at a computer posting about it ten days after your cultures and blood work said there was no growth and your WBC is now normal suggests to this unqualified layman that you're okay.

I also lost a colleague to it last Christmas day.

28-04-23, 22:58
So sorry about your wife and colleague and thank you for your reply.