View Full Version : Blood results panic

28-04-23, 21:32
I had bloods today and the creatine, EPI eGFR, sodium and potassium have all come back as out of range and unable to view on parients know best. I feel so ill worrying after googling. It says I have kidney failure. I have to wait until Tuesday for doctors to open. I had a virus 2 weeks ago and fatigue and woosy since! Doctor said it was post viral fatigue but to have bloods! Now they have come to me before doctors and its a bank holiday weekend.

28-04-23, 22:22
What is patients know best?

So you had bloods today and results are already back?

You need to calm down as much as possible as blood tests can be out of range but it doesn't mean anything serious is going on at all.

I am pretty certain you don't have kidney failure to be honest.

28-04-23, 23:02
A lot of them came back within an hour on Patients Know Best. To be honest, I wish I didn't have the site on my phone. You get blood results before the doctors. Bloods that are something the doctor needs to see show as unavailable and all the kidney ones are not showing. I know I shouldn't google but I've felt this feeling for 2 weeks and sick of it. Just don't feel like I'll ever be normal.

28-04-23, 23:23
Patients know best is linked with the NHS to provide results etc. for patients. You van see results, appointments etc

29-04-23, 12:10
I've just read that the dizziness is linked to anemia with regards to kidney failure but I know I haven't got that as taking iron tablets and bloods for iron ok. Hopefully I can take some comfort in that and know the dizziness etc isn't that. My diabetees test has come back fine and blood pressure ok which are two main factors in kidney failure.

29-04-23, 13:17
Only time and a talk with the doctor will stop this particular spiral but I would urge you to delete that site from your phone. Do you really need results before your doctor? He can look at them and evaluate them with years of experience and training. You are taking the results and googling which always ends in anxiety. Stop the next spiral before it starts and do yourself the biggest favour in your life. Delete and wait for the experience of your doctor.

02-05-23, 14:39
The Doctor called and I all results are perfect. Patientsknowbest has ruined my life over the last 3 days by making it look like somethings wrong with the bloods..I'm fuming and so upset.

02-05-23, 17:57
But the doctor looked at the same results and didn’t think something was wrong. So it was just Google that told you that. To be fair it’s not even PKB to blame…it’s Google.

Are you going to delete patients know best? I would if it’s going to drive you to Dr.Google. He is really no friend to those withHA

02-05-23, 19:33
100%!!! I promised my doctor too. Still so fatigued but they said can sometimes last weeks after your virus. Probably worn myself out a bit too.

Thank yoh Darksy 🙂

04-05-23, 18:53
I got all them results and yesterday started feeling better so went back to work. Today I've felt like I did a few days ago and 10 minutes ago started feeling sick. I googled and it says brain tumour...wtf. I was so relieved and now so scared. Doctor Today said to relax and its most likely viral but now the sickness has started.

04-05-23, 18:59
I'm shaking and crying...can't cope with this anymore

04-05-23, 19:39
You're being silly. This is nothing, you know it's nothing.

04-05-23, 19:53
You’ve gone head first into Google again. Why?

04-05-23, 21:15
You got the all clear from doctor - be happy and thankful and stop googling.

Now tackle the underlying REAL problem here - the anxiety.