View Full Version : Pulsatile tinnitus and headaches - worried sick

30-04-23, 20:57
I have Tinnitus and pulsatile tinnitus which initially was just in my ear when I tried to sleep but now can be there when I'm relaxing watching TV etc. Booming away in tandem with my heart beat, its scary stuff. It started constantly 24/7 end of January / Feb when I thought I had sinusitis and was taking decongestants for the headaches, but previously, over years I had occasionally a 10 second period of a high screech in my ear - just like it was switched on and then off again.
Had audiology test and now waiting on ENT appointment.

I've read lots of posts from people with Tinnitus but don't see much mention of booming headaches. They feel totally pressurised at the back of my head by my neck, but also shooting pains in lots of different places, my temples etc.
I've been monitoring my BP and it is up around 145/88 on average, when I saw my GP in Feb he said he wasn't worried about it, but I am convinced my head will explode - it feels like it is going to, and now I also have.....

ache in left side of neck and clavicle which I have had similar thinking it was occipital neuralgia

an occasional red nose

occasional drip from my nose,

earache - both sides, not at same time - I've not had earache since I was a kid!

totally blocked ears, like they've got cups over them

an echo of everything I say, and when I recline in my nose when I breathe

I can feel my head throb when I touch it and my scalp feels warm to the touch on top

Any body out there can help please? I am waiting ENT but told it could be up to 18 months, I will have gone mad by then, I am hoping to see GP this week.

Thank you for your time.