View Full Version : Blood tests tomorrow and anemia

01-05-23, 17:27
Hi All, Im a male and suffer with severe health anxiety and generises anxiety disorder. Tomorrow I have full blood tests being done because last week I did a home blood test for anemia/low iron because I was getting some lightheaded spells and feeling cold hands and feet sometimes and bit tired, and it came back as positive I was. I made appointment with doctor and was in such a panic state when in with him, I was in tears, shaking, high blood pressure everything. He said let’s get blood tests done and stool sample because for years I have suffers with bloating stomach, heartburn, acid reflux and occasional nausea, but I also suffer from IBS which has triggers from food sometimes but mainly stress and anxiety. I am Now I’m such a state waiting for the blood tests and what the outcome will be. Immediately my thoughts go to Cancer and I can’t think of anything else. I am always hypervigilent around every part of my body or changes. Couple days ago I had eaten dark chocolate and lots of spinach to try and boost iron, next morning my poop was really dark so I went into a panic attack about thinking it’s a bleeding ulcer! Then my partner explained its prob the dark colour food I have eaten and the next day after not eating it the colour was was lighter. My daily anxiety has caused me so many daily symptoms for almost 25 years, I wake up feeling tired, my eyes sting almost all the time, my body aches, I get palpitations, i need the loo a lot when stressing and I can’t remember the last time I really laughed if felt good. But now my head is in fear and meltdown around anemia and why! I’m crying and shaking on and off and having to take lorazepam to help calm me down. I try and say to myself that there could be a wide range of reasons for iron defincany, but all I can focus on is the worst reason. I feel so scared and lonely

01-05-23, 18:39
What in the world is a home test for anemia and low iron?

Anyhow, anemia is fairly common and spinach causes dark stools so I see no reason to panic.