View Full Version : Hysterical outbursts

01-05-23, 20:42
Sorry I don't know where to post this.
Today I had an emotional outburst. I don't really know what to call them, I used to have terrible panic attacks so I know it is not that.
Something can set me off and I go into a hysterical state, I cry, my entire body tenses and increases my pain (I have a long term injury) I feel so frustrated that I harm myself with hitting or with my nails, pull my hair. Afterwards I feel sort of catatonic and empty, once through that stage I feel very depressed which is where I am now.
Why can't I control these outbursts? I go from 0-100 in a second. What are they?

02-05-23, 06:29
It does sound anxiety related to me. Are you on any medication? What coping techniques do you use on an everyday basis?

02-05-23, 18:35
I am on Amytriptaline for my injury. I have had sertraline a few times in the past for anxiety and PTSD but haven't been on anything for years now. My anxiety seems very different to how it used to be.
I walk my new dog everyday which has helped a lot the past few months and gardening helps.
I had been away staying at my partner's for a few days and feel I can't fully relax there as he lives with family, I was feeling quite down the last day there and anxious to get home.
There are a number of things going on at the moment I have no control over which seems to be the trigger, something happens and I can't fix it or do anything about it and I flip.
I'm scared to go to the GP, they have no time for anyone anymore. It feels like there is no one to turn to.

03-05-23, 06:27
From what you say it does sound like you have a lot going on. Have you thought about counselling? If you don't feel able to go via the GP you could consider going the private route. There are also resources on this site that you can use, there is some free CBT. I find guided meditation helps me, you could try that?

03-05-23, 22:25
Thank you, yes I feel like I probably need some counselling, I will have to bite the bullet and ask the GP as I can't afford private at the moment and I can wait the waiting list times as it's not urgent.
I have had a few different types of counselling but perhaps these issues might benefit from a CBT route. I'm not great at mediation unfortunately.
Thanks for your suggestions