View Full Version : might be silly but it starting to eat me.. will i have cancer due to vitamin a food?

07-05-23, 02:05
for couple of months maybe 4-5 i was eating so much vitamin a foods daily

2 sweet potatoes 1 big red bell pepper 2 oranges 2 apples 2 peaches/nictarin, too much sunflower seed etc im so sure im so much above the upper limit 3000IU

im just reading today that excessive vitamin a can be toxic and can cause cancer due to cell growth help that vitamin A do!

now i feel incapacitated to eat anything i've been searching for any food i might take a bite of what might have vitamin a

should i be worried? i know i might be silly but i was really DAILY eating a lot of vitamin a

07-05-23, 11:59
"might be silly..."

Might be? :whistles:


07-05-23, 17:14
"might be silly..."

Might be? :whistles:


i know it's maybe silly but for real it came to me so hard and started to almost panic

i really used to eat 2 sweet potatoes daily along other high vitamin a foods and did that for like the whole winter so couple of months

i never had vitamin A symptoms but still i read that it might be asymptomatic also i read about it is linked to increase risk of cancer and how vitamins A is beneficial for cells growth so that means too much of it means overgrowth of cells aka cancer right?

im really looking for some comforting opinion i don't know if i really ****ed up and had way way over the recommended daily intake because 1 sweet potato has like 250% of recommended intake imagine that!

07-05-23, 18:15
i read about it....

Consulting Dr. Google, as you know, is contributing to your anxiety about nothing. My opinion is that it is silly to worry about eating healthy.


08-05-23, 19:32
I just wanted to say that, as I understand it, the only danger the might be found from vitamin A comes from eating lots of preformed vitamin A.
Preformed vitamin A is found in animal products (especially liver), and in vitamin supplement tablets.
From what you have said, it sounds like you have been eating plant based foods which contain beta carotene (which is a precursor to vitamin A - the body makes its own vitamin A from beta carotene).
As far as I know there isn't an upper limit on how much beta carotene you can safely eat from foods - your body will only make as much vitamin A as it needs from the beta carotene you eat. Any excess acts as an antioxidant (so helps prevent cancer!). The worst it could do is make your skin yellowish (and you would need to eat LOADS for that to happen - way more than you are describing).
The upper safe limit of 3,000 IU only per day only applies to preformed vitamin A, not to beta carotene consumed from vegetables.
Sweet potatoes etc. don't contain preformed vitamin A, so you REALLY don't need to worry about this. (I know how hard that is and how easily the panic can start, but if you can lay this fear to rest, please do - there's absolutely no need for it.)

14-10-23, 03:17
I just wanted to say that, as I understand it, the only danger the might be found from vitamin A comes from eating lots of preformed vitamin A.
Preformed vitamin A is found in animal products (especially liver), and in vitamin supplement tablets.
From what you have said, it sounds like you have been eating plant based foods which contain beta carotene (which is a precursor to vitamin A - the body makes its own vitamin A from beta carotene).
As far as I know there isn't an upper limit on how much beta carotene you can safely eat from foods - your body will only make as much vitamin A as it needs from the beta carotene you eat. Any excess acts as an antioxidant (so helps prevent cancer!). The worst it could do is make your skin yellowish (and you would need to eat LOADS for that to happen - way more than you are describing).
The upper safe limit of 3,000 IU only per day only applies to preformed vitamin A, not to beta carotene consumed from vegetables.
Sweet potatoes etc. don't contain preformed vitamin A, so you REALLY don't need to worry about this. (I know how hard that is and how easily the panic can start, but if you can lay this fear to rest, please do - there's absolutely no need for it.)

thank you so much ❤️