View Full Version : Trembling hands.

27-11-07, 10:32
Hi, by the way thank you to some of you for replying to my post about a lump in my throat and sore throat. Just to let you know that's gone and I feel fine now.
Now I'm on to something else (sick of this! :mad: )
Yesterday my poor sister who's 26 phoned me to tell me that she has been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid. She's been having all the symptoms for the past year or so (trembling hands, sweaty skin, nervousness, loose and frequent stools, loss of weight despite increased apetite, extreme tiredness and need to sleep a lot....). I felt so sorry for her but of course me being me I thought straigth away "if she's got it, I've got it as it's genetic".
So I started to think to see if I had any of the symptoms. The answer's no, I even looked at my hands and they were still as anything, but this morning as I was rushing around getting me and the 2 kids ready, my hands were shaking.
Also I've got dry eyes (even the optician said so) and that's a symptom of underactive thyroid isn't it?
By the way I'm 31, I have 2 small children (3 years and 9 months) and I am a female.
Does it sound like I've got thyroid problems?
I'm asking you guys first because I'm sick and tired of having medical tests after medical tests, and I want to beat this HA. I had several thyroid tests in the past but the last one was probably over 3 years ago (I think.)
Thank you in advance.

27-11-07, 11:03
Hi Toffee,

With health anxiety we only have to think or hear about an illness and we decide we have it. You know that. Don't go looking for symptoms.
I'm sure your fine. I have dry eyes, does that mean i have it? My hubby has shakey hands? (he's a hairdresser too, so slightly worrying:D )
If you are anything like me, you'll put this one to rest and then find another one to worry about in the next day or too?? What are we like,

love anx xx

29-11-07, 16:17
Anx thanks very much for your reply, it really made me laugh which helped.
I don't know wether to ask for (another) thyroid test but the embarassing thing is that I can't remember if I had one 18 months ago, I know they did a full blood count and I think it included thyroid but I'm not sure.
I know for a fact that I had several, definately 4 years ago (which is a lifetime really).
But then again a lot can happen in 18 months. Although I haven't had any new symptoms apart from my anxiety symptoms (but I know that thyroid problems can make you anxious.).