View Full Version : Legionnaires disease from a dehumidifier

Nighttime pacer
09-05-23, 00:20
Hi All,
I’m so annoyed with myself. My health anxiety’s been so much better lately and now tonight it’s suddenly attacked me again.
As it has become more humid in the UK today I decided to turn on my dehumidifier unit (a compressor stand alone box on wheels type) to dry the air out a bit in my bungalow. I’m now panicking that as I hadn’t used it for about 6 months and it had just been sitting in the hall without a cover on it, it may have got contaminated or some stale water might have still been inside and I could now get legionnaires disease. Legionnaires disease has always been a big trigger for me and I know you can get it from stagnant water which has been kept above 20 degrees Celsius for a while, which is why I know you could potentially get it from a humidifier if the water isn’t changed often enough. As a dehumidifier collects water from the air and then drops it into a bucket which you empty and mine had been emptied and thoroughly air dried before I stopped using it 6 months ago, I’m hoping I might be alright. I can’t find anything definite online so I’m now panicking.
Sorry about the long post.
Nighttime pacer

09-05-23, 00:24
:lac: This is a kin to getting rabies from an ninja bat.


Nighttime pacer
09-05-23, 00:29
Sorry, but I don’t understand.

Nighttime pacer
09-05-23, 00:35
Sorry FishmanPa but I don’t find your reply very helpful. I am seriously worried about this. Sorry if you found my previous reply rude.

09-05-23, 00:57
The ninja bat rabies comparison is a oft repeated fear here where someone believes they were bitten by a bat they didn't see or a drop of a rabies positive bat saliva dripped out of a tree into their mouth. Ridiculous right? This is akin to that kind of fear. Sorry you don't find that helpful but its the truth. Hope you feel better soon.


Nighttime pacer
09-05-23, 01:00
Hi FishmanPa,
Thanks for that. I’m guessing you must know something about dehumidifier units and I’m assuming that other than keeping dust out of them there’s no servicing available to the consumer so I’m guessing there’s nothing else that needs to be done to keep them safe. I hope!