View Full Version : Dentist visit

09-05-23, 20:06
OK I saw the dentist today. After checking my teeth and gums he drew my attention to a red patch at the back of my throat. Its about the size of a finger print or so. He then said that he doesn't think its sinister, but could refer me just to be sure.

Now of course he could be just covering all his bases, that it would be remiss of him not to. The trouble is, after I heard 'sinister' spoken I stopped hearing anything. He's a good dentist, very popular and in his 50s I would say.

I'll admit though that I'm scared.

09-05-23, 20:40
Who’s he referring you to?
It’s ridiculous to tell you not to worry, but at the very least try not to Google ok?
Sending you lots of love. I’m sure it’s nothing x

09-05-23, 21:17
THank you Scass you're very kind. I phoned the practice back and the receptionist said the dentist will see me again on the 30th. To reassess I think. But why wait? Unless he wants to see if this mark has changed. There's no pain there, no soreness. Not that that means anything.

I drove home in a daze. I must remember though, this guy is an experienced dentist. He's not fresh out of dental college.

09-05-23, 21:32
Sending love and good wishes. I'm sure he's just covering his backside.

10-05-23, 06:01
He's probably just being cautious. Try to distract yourself while waiting for the next appointment.

10-05-23, 09:21
Sorry I haven't been very active on your threads lately, I've been poorly myself.
Ok, I had a situation like this 7 years ago! But me being me didn't follow it through. I was horrified when a suspicious mark on the roof of my mouth was pointed out to me by a GP.
Firstly, the mouth can crop up with all sorts of marks and abrasions, considering what we put it through.
It also is the quickest healing part of the body.
And like others have already mentioned, it's routine, precautionary measures.
If I were you I would ask if it was possible if the dentist could bring that appointment forward to about a week and explain your anxiety issues.
The mark may well have changed drastically by then and you might even find its disappeared altogether. x

10-05-23, 15:27
Thank you all for your very kind messages, you really are the most wonderful people.

I'm sorry you haven't been well Carnation :hugs: I'm glad your situation resolved itself with your mouth. I'm trying to think how long its been there, I seem to remember noticing it maybe a month or two ago. Though can't be sure. The dentist said it wasn't there at my last visit which must have been around October.