View Full Version : Numbness and Tingling

09-05-23, 22:41
I’ve had a numbness in my hands and feet for a few days now and it’s freaking me out l. I had this happen a couple times before and it always sends me into a spiral on what it could be. I constantly go back to thinking it’s MS or diabetes. Last time this happened a couple months ago I got blood work done and I don’t have diabetes but I’m still convinced it has to be that even though I’m relatively active and not overweight although my diet isn’t the best at times. It’s either some thing like that or I am convinced I have some sort of neuropathy.

09-05-23, 23:53
What has the doctor said about it?

09-05-23, 23:57
Doctor didn’t recall y say anything about it. She just said that everything looked good on my blood work and that if the symptoms are still happening to call her back. By the time I got the blood work back they had gone away.

10-05-23, 00:17
Ok so it has gone away now?

10-05-23, 00:36
No it’s been like this for a couple of days now. That was last time it went away on its own but it freaks me out that this has happened more than once

10-05-23, 11:23
Could be a trapped nerve or something similar.

10-05-23, 11:47
also get magnesium , calcium and potassium levels checked, this was what caused mine but its all grand now thanks to 2 or 3 tabs a day