View Full Version : Bloody stool - terrified

13-05-23, 22:21
Hi all - sorry to be back here but really need some help. I've written about stomach issues in the past as colon cancer is a major fear. For the past few months, I've been dealing with difficult/hard stools, excessive gas, and a dull pain in my very lower abdomen. Today, after taking a rather large stool (sorry), I saw a reddish tint on the toiler paper. Not sure if the stools had blood but we very lose. a couple hours later, I went again and there was blood in the stool and a lot on the TP. I've posted about this before but this time there was a LOT more and unless it's somehow the pasta sauce I had with lunch, it was very clearly blood. I happen to have a physical this Monday and have already alerted my doctor.

That said, very very freaked out and really think it could be something serious. Please help if you can!

13-05-23, 23:13
(sorry), I saw a reddish tint on the toiler paper. Not sure if the stools had blood but we very lose. a couple hours later, I went again and there was blood in the stool and a lot on the TP.

Most likely a fissure or hemmie.


13-05-23, 23:22
Thank you Fishmanpa. First of all, I've been reading posts on this site for years and you are my fave forum member by far! (no offense to anyone else). Honored to have you comment on my post.

Should note that I've gone a few more times since and there was still some blood but wasnt as bad. However, there was quite a bit of burning/pain. It's tough as this has been one of the main focuses of my health anxiety. I'll talk to my doc on Monday, but will likely be anxious in the meantime.

13-05-23, 23:38
Yes I agree with the person's reply above. When you strain and push a large stool out if can sometimes cause a slight tear to the anus - so I think this is what happened. It is very likely superficial and will heal overnight. If bleeding persists see your doctor. Try not to worry. Eat fibre and drink water so this doesn't happen again.

13-05-23, 23:46
Thank you. I'm VERY bad about drinking enough water. Wonder if that's part of what's causing my constipation/stomach issues?

14-05-23, 06:02
yes, and along with little or no fibre will cause problems with motility and dehydration which then causes straining. If you don't like the taste of tap water, which was the case for me, getting a water filter is a really good investment. Once the water is filtered it is very drinkable.