View Full Version : Stroke worry

14-05-23, 01:30
After a week of real stress, nothing horrible but way too much to deal with and everyone relying on me, today I was on the phone to a very needy and very hyper friend and my head did this :wacko:

I mean, it really did, that's the perfect emoji. I just went to tell him something really helpful and he actually waited to hear what I was going to say and he never does that. And it didn't happen. I couldn't summon the words or work out how to say whatever it was to him (can't remember now but it was important at the time). About 7 seconds went by and then I just came out with 'sorry, I've got a funny head.'

I'm worried about stroke. I was also mixing my words up this morning. I'm on hormone replacement therapy and I notice that I do that since I've been on it, but only certain times of the month (I'm not in full menopause yet). An example of mixing up words, this morning I was talking to my visitor friend and spilt bleach (not worried about that, I wasn't clumsy or anything it was just one of those things). I rinsed it thoughly. About an hour later we went in the kitchen and I was going to say 'it's still smells bleachy,' but what came out was 'it smill sells beachy.' I knew I got it wrong and corrected it, but only noticing this recently. It's very subtle but it worries me.

Can't see a GP easily and I can't be forceful about it because of my anxiety. I usually don't want to know. I've tried to have therapy about avoiding medical stuff but the therapists have been pretty useless, sorry to say. I want to see a psychologist but I'm never considered severe enough by the GP. I may have to find some money privately to do this.

Has anyone else had anxieties about strokes and / or had any checks and been told they are ok. I'm so worried these are TIA's. I can't see things like that happening for any other reason that I know of. I will speak to my doctor but it's hard with the surgery at the moment and they don't help you with anxiety at all.