View Full Version : Scared of NAFLD turning into fibrosis or cirrhosis

15-05-23, 01:54
26 Female. About 5 years ago (Jan 2018) I was diagnosed with NAFLD. The doctor at the time was not concerned. From what I remember, I had elevated liver enzymes one week, the next I had more blood work done and I was fine. At the time, I was 226 pounds at 21. Now since then, I did not change my eating habits. I did not gain more weight or lose weight in the time frame, up until recently that I have taken my weight loss serious. I have lost about 21 pounds in total in the past 2-3 months (I am at 200 currently). I’m only scared because I did not do much for it because the doctor made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal and was not concerned about it.

I currently have this bubble/gas feeling in my right side in the waistline that feels like gas but doesn’t come out. I have my suspicions of ibs for other reasons, but am afraid this might be liver inflammation. I did have a physical recently where my doctor did feel on my abdomen but she made no comments on it. The comments she made about my abdomen was that it was soft and non tender.

15-05-23, 06:59
Hi !

Great job on the weight loss. I work in the medical field. This is soooooo common. You are you g and are making changes. Just a fun fact your liver can heal itself. If you are eating better now just know you are hound and healthy. It will clear up as you loose weight.

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17-05-23, 08:22
How odd, I’m going through the exact same thing now. I’ve mostly calmed down about it but last month was hell. Same as you, I’ve known I’ve had a fatty liver for years but my doctors didn’t make a big deal of it. Had blood work and the enzymes were up a bit, again doctor wasn’t bothered, started googling and terrified myself.

It’s been a bit of a wake-up call to finally lose some weight and eat better, which I’m in the process of doing (similar numbers to you, actually). But my doctor explained it to me pretty well - at least a third of the western population has NAFLD, most without knowing it. Basically anyone who is obese has it. Despite the scary stories online (notice the groups you find only ever have a few thousand members compared to the millions who have this), if it was common for people to progress to cirrhosis with it, we’d be seeing an absolute crisis in liver transplantation right now.

Technology like fibroscan that can estimate how fibrotic your liver is is only about 10 years old, surely there are a LOT of people who have walked around with this their whole lives and we just had no idea.

02-07-23, 15:45
Changing your diet is the best thing you can do. It’s usually okay don’t worry to much [emoji4]

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