View Full Version : Can coughing cause your lung to collapse?

15-05-23, 12:42
I hope everyone is doing well.

I choked on a crumb Saturday night so I was coughing hard, and then continued to cough on and off for 3 hours. A lot of the coughing was me forcing myself to make sure the crumb came up. Can coughing long cause my lung to collapse? I have back pain and shortness of breath, but i’ve been short of breath from anxiety/gerd since January. I’m also coughing. I also looked up the symptoms of a collapsed lung so i’m not sure if it’s all in my head. Is this a possibility??? Am I overreacting? I just had a normal chest xray in January and I doubt my doctor will order another

16-05-23, 09:05
Sounds like an ordeal you went through. I don't think so regardless lung collapse but it's always worth telling your doctor. Shortness of breath can be from an iron deficiency which is common in menstruating women.