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View Full Version : Call from Doctors Office!

15-05-23, 23:47
Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well. Long story short, I went to the doctor last week Wednesday to do a full CBC, STD and testosterone panel and urine tests as a 6 month check up. I thought it was weird because usually in 2 days I get my results. Fast forward to today I called this and the nurse sounded weird and asked me to hold when I asked for my results. They said that the results aren’t ready and that they have to call me back. I went on with my work day when they called this afternoon stating to come in because I had to have my blood and urine redone because the lab didn’t “spin” the specimen on time and it could cause faulty results. Obviously I started panicking and I raced there to redo the tests. I kept asking the nurse how could this happen and did they get results that were bad and are not sharing it with me. All she kept saying is that everything is fine and this happens a lot and that my new results should be available tomorrow by 10am. Has anyone ever heard of blood and urine specimen not being tested in time and this happens and you have to provide new samples?! I’m terrified that I have a serious issue and I’m having a hard time coping. Please help!

16-05-23, 00:24
It sounds like a perfectly reasonable explanation. I don't think they can withhold your own medical records from you. If there was something wrong they would tell you and say they want to redo. I know it's tough to wait, but I'd assume everything should be resolved by tomorrow morning!

16-05-23, 01:23
Hi Erin,

Thanks so much for your response. I’m hoping that’s all it was as I asked 3 times if there was something she’s not sharing and all she said was don’t worry and that everything will be fine. Ugh I won’t be able to sleep tonight!