View Full Version : Blood test results panic

16-05-23, 22:05
I have done some blood tests and ultrasound last month due to a longer and heavier period I had. It took them almost a month to give me my results back and when I saw the GP via video today she couldn't see actual test results, only gyno specialists report which said there wasn't anything of note. But she said she will get the diagnostic team to send the results to me directly. This evening I saw that they did and low and behold there were sevaral red lines! Worst of all INR (0.8, normal 0.9- 1.2) and prothrombin time (9 secs, normal 10-12 secs). I have never had these out of range, even though I have only done it a few times. And with the range being so small, even being tiniest out of range seems very worrying! Another thing that makes me even more scared is that my platelets were 327k. Even though they are in range, they were higher than any other time I did blood before, the highest I recall is 220k. Put it all together, I am worried that it all got worse since 4 weeks ago! I remember my mom's friend who had her platelets increased after covid, and they kept rising so they had to give her injections for a while! I am totally freaking out!

16-05-23, 23:14
You really need to talk to the doctor and not self-diagnose anything here as we are not qualified to interpret blood test results and they are.

16-05-23, 23:23
I am not self-diagnosing. And not looking for anyone to interpret anything, just other people's experience! I am just very worried and trying to get some support getting by until I can speak to a doctor and actually repeat the tests.
I would not be worrying if I didn't have anxiety, which is why we are here. And this is one of my worst ever fears, about clotts!

17-05-23, 16:45
I called the doctors today and they sent me for repeat bloods. Rationally, if there is something, it is better to know and deal with it, but I am so scared of what they will show! When the nurse took my blood there was hardly any bleeding after, literally the smallest spec which gave me more reason to worry about clotting! Since yesterday I have had pains in my calfs, chest, head...and not to say I don't get these and worry about the same thing anyway because this is my fear, but not all at once within a day! I wasn't sure if I should continue to post, but this is the only place I can share what I am going through and don't feel completely crazy and weird.

17-05-23, 21:49
You shouldn't bleed after giving blood - that is normal.

I think you are just getting yourself in a panic and hence all the multiple different symptoms.