View Full Version : Blood in urine but no infection

17-05-23, 18:41
So after having more uti symptoms a month after the last bout had a dip test on Friday at chemist which showed infection was given nitrofurantoin but symptoms still there on Monday so saw nurse who said blood and leukocytes so sent off to lab came back today no infection but showing blood have to go see gp in the morning and my anxiety is in overdrive thinking kidney or bladder cancer anyone had anything similar I’m in proper panic mode

17-05-23, 18:52
Following recent uti’s which I thought had gone symptoms returned last week sample was sent to lab and got a phone call this afternoon to say I had to see the gp as there was no infection found but there was blood so subsequently I’m an having a major panic and thinking the worst anyone had anything similar I’m really worried

17-05-23, 19:02
Didn’t mean to post twice didn’t think it had come on

17-05-23, 20:45

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17-05-23, 20:45
I always have blood in urine - some people just do apparently

17-05-23, 21:03
I only have when I have a uti but this time they say infection gone but blood still there I’m so scared

17-05-23, 21:47
Could be kidney stones - it doesn't have to be anything sinister at all.

18-05-23, 07:39
I had exactly the same thing some years ago went on for months had blood in urine but no infection , it ended up I had an ulcer in my bladder so was out on antibiotics just very small dose and had to take one a night for 6 weeks then it all stopped not had anything since, but sometimes there's just no reason I was told so try not to worry and don't worry of they refer you because they did me and its very common I was told .

18-05-23, 07:56
Thank you how did they find the ulcer did you have to have more tests

18-05-23, 22:45
Yes they had a look with a very small camera I think its called a sytsoscopy very quick , mine was going on for over a year so I wasn't surprised when they referred me but yours might just clear up on its own .

30-05-23, 14:59
So following on from my recent uti worries my last sample showed nothing only high white cells(leucocytes) which the gp put no further action although I have to take another sample in next week however I stupidly bought some home testing strips and did one this morning it immediately showed ++++leucocytes now I’m worried sick about what this could mean why they are still there and what will happen to me if they don’t go what will the gp want to do I’m so scared please can anyone help

30-05-23, 15:51
This is the problem with self-testing; you can't unsee what you've seen.

30-05-23, 17:08
This is so true but I was worrying myself stupid anyway thought if it was clear I could have some worry free time instead it’s a million times worse

03-06-23, 07:56
Leave interpreting things up to doctors. Rationally blood and pyuria are signs of infection. Still could be remnants from a previous infection.

The good thing is you are already in the process of being seen. When you hear hood beats, think horses not zebras. It’s usually not the rare or sinister thing we all want to think it is. Best wishes.

04-06-23, 08:53
Am seeing the doctor tomorrow and my anxiety is ramping up today am so tempted to test again but know this would make me worse if the results aren’t what I need to see

04-06-23, 15:08
Testing again wouldn’t change anything. You can take solace in the fact that even if they are high, it’s not a dire emergency that warrants an ER visit. You are also seeing a doctor tomorrow, so know that whatever concerns you may have will be answered or addressed by a medical practitioner.

04-06-23, 16:52
Thank you I can’t seem to think rationally about it all

05-06-23, 03:37
It’s all good. The only time I can rationally think is when I’m on medication. At the moment I’m in my own downward spiral. All is well though. Best wishes to you on your appointment.

05-06-23, 14:26
I’m really freaking out my appointment is later this afternoon and I really don’t want to go