View Full Version : How do people live like this

18-05-23, 06:25
I really don’t know how to carry on living like this ongoing problems that might be something but might be nothing but how do people live like this I feel like me and my life are just wasted I’m nearly 60 years old my friends are all retiring and living their best lives making the most of every day and I’m sat like a jibbering wreck feeling like a waste of space I do have good things in my life but when I’m in one of these cycles none of that registers I seem to fold in on myself and push everyone away I really don’t know how to carry on I’m terrified of dying and too scared to live

18-05-23, 15:00
Hi Smogie, I don’t know what to say other than you are not alone. I am at one of the lowest places in my life. Very sad and scared and it’s consuming me. I have an appointment with a cbt therapist in late June. Hoping to get some coping skills. Can you look into a therapist?

18-05-23, 15:18
It's a long process, but you can recover. It's a question of acknowledging that your thoughts are irrational, then repeating that to yourself until you accept it.

18-05-23, 17:27
I have had so much therapy it’s ridiculous lots of cbt that helps at the time but when I’m in a health scare cycle all the techniques seem to fly out the window and I just can’t harness them gonna try another round though

18-05-23, 17:29
Blueiris I think this is a lot of my problem I have no faith that I will ever be better it just keeps on and on I feel likrr we the boy who cried wolf

18-05-23, 17:41
You have to fake it till you make it, Smogie.