View Full Version : Submandibular Lymph Nodes - For 1.5 months

18-05-23, 21:27
So once morning about a month and a half ago I awoke and felt completely fine, 3 hours later I felt a pain in my jaw and a BUMP on my jaw. It was moveable but my neck was obviously swollen. My doctor of course was out so I went to urgent care and they sent me for imaging.

Submandibular lymph nodes 1.0 x 1.3 x .08
No idea if that’s large or not.
Anyway they did a strep test and I had strip so they gave me amoxicillin. Granted I had no signs of strep but took the medication.

Antibiotics did not solve these swollen lymph nodes. Go to a dentist, maybe it’s from an abscess? I do have one but they said it wouldn’t be cause for the lymph nodes in that area , They give me Augmentin. It did nothing. 🤷*♂️

We are now a month in, and im panicking, the swelling in my neck went away but the swollen lymph nodes are still there. Movable but now I found another.

I have an ENT appointment tomorrow, Im convinced I have salivary gland cancer. Need some positive vibes.

18-05-23, 22:09
the swelling in my neck went away but the swollen lymph nodes are still there. Movable....

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.


The fact the swelling resolved is all you need to know. Your anxiety has your perceptions skewed concerning what is 'swollen' or not.


20-06-23, 23:13
Went to ENT, she looked in my throat, saw nothing.
Had me go for a CT scan of my neck a month after visit with her (which was today).

If everything is ok I will be relieved, the enlarged lumps under chin have returned and I know the post above has put me - more - at ease but just chronicling for anyone who may go through something similar in the future.