View Full Version : Tooth Extraction Fear

20-05-23, 10:47
Hi everyone, have just joined today

I'm due to have a right first molar extraction next weekend and I'm currently getting myself into a complete state about the aftermath of this. I'm not so worried about the procedure itself as I know that is usually fairly quick but I'm terrified about getting dry socket / it healing badly.

I've never ever had a filling and now this - said infection from hairline crack due to bruxism and root canal would most likely fail and would need extraction.

Does anyone have any experience with an extraction like this? I cant help but feel there is something wrong with me to go from perfect teeth to having such a large molar removed. I'm dreading the pain afterwards and the weeks of recovery especially as my dentist is so busy so I know appointments will be hard to come by.

I also swallow a lot - I think an anxiety thing, is that going to affect the healing? I wont be using a straw and I dont smoke or drink thankfully - I probably wont eat anything other than protein shakes / smoothies for a few days either (been struggling to lose weight so hopefully this helps lol).

Thank you for letting me ramble on

20-05-23, 11:12
I had a wisdom tooth out last week actually and may need to get another one out as well. Similar to you most my teeth are actually fine but this wisdom tooth was pushing into the other one causing it to decay so nothing really I could do... so things like that do happen - I only have one other filling but enough about that!

Dry socket is uncommon, more common in smokers, diabetics and on wisdom teeth (particularly impacted lower ones). Follow the instructions, eat what the dentist tells you and you should be OK, but even if it happens it's not very serious, most of them resolve on their own and a dentist can give you something for the pain.

20-05-23, 12:03
I've had a few back teeth out, I don't like dentists! However the injection is probably the worst (it's actually not that bad either) , get through that and the extraction probably under a minute and painless. You'll be absolutely fine 100%

20-05-23, 12:05
Also just eat on the other side, honestly it's not bad, it closes really quickly up, you'd be surprised

20-05-23, 13:36
I had a wisdom tooth out last week actually and may need to get another one out as well. Similar to you most my teeth are actually fine but this wisdom tooth was pushing into the other one causing it to decay so nothing really I could do... so things like that do happen - I only have one other filling but enough about that!

Dry socket is uncommon, more common in smokers, diabetics and on wisdom teeth (particularly impacted lower ones). Follow the instructions, eat what the dentist tells you and you should be OK, but even if it happens it's not very serious, most of them resolve on their own and a dentist can give you something for the pain.

Thank you for this, that helps. I hope you're all healed up now and the next one goes smoothly for you!

20-05-23, 13:38
I've had a few back teeth out, I don't like dentists! However the injection is probably the worst (it's actually not that bad either) , get through that and the extraction probably under a minute and painless. You'll be absolutely fine 100%

Thank you. Weirdly, I'm ok with the actual procedure, it's just the aftermath im dreading. It's on the right side but I dont think it'll be overly noticeable and will be getting an implant (will need to sell a kidney to pay for that though!).

Just have to get through it and hope I heal nice and quickly. Been reading so many horror stories, I think I need to get off the internet and calm down

20-05-23, 14:00
Millmoo you'll be just fine. Dentists have come on in leaps and bounds regarding pain and aftercare. You'll be told to rinse gently with warm salt water when home, your dentist should give you a list with do's and dont's

Google will only give you horror stories, I know how tempting it is to go looking for reassurance but Dr Google should have been struck off a long time ago.

21-05-23, 01:26
I've had 7 teeth pulled in my life! And no complications. I think your dentist is right. It's best to just get it out and save yourself the misery! I had one tooth that went from cavity to root canal to apicoectomy (terrible) to extraction because ultimately there was a crack that kept getting infected. I've had no issues at all in the last 20 years since that extraction!

24-05-23, 04:44
I haven't had a tooth pulled but I avoided the dentist for many years because I had bad experiences as a kid. I had to go last month because I chipped a front tooth and (if you find a good dental office anyway - more expensive but worth it in my opinion) I was shocked by how easy dentistry is now. I went back for fillings last week and they didn't even need to use needles or drill anything and it was done in 20-30 mins. I'm no longer particularly afraid to go to the dentist which I never thought I would say :) Can you find a dentist that offers sedation? Most can at least do laughing gas.