View Full Version : Cat bites on knee, scared!

20-05-23, 18:55
I had a situation two days ago. There was something wrong with my gas boiler and I got so scared that it will poison me and my cat with monoxide and I grabbed him in panic and he got mad and bit me twice on my knee, harder than usual, there was a lot of blood but I didn't wash it (I usually do) because I thought we are in danger so I called firemen etc. Everything was fine but I was worried about bite because it hurt so much, that one bite.
It hurt the next day and today it doesn't hurt except when I rub it but it is warm and red and other smaller spot that doesn't hurt had a little puss.

I read horror stories on reddit and people who ended up in a hospital and I am panicking so much now. I had couple of antibiotic pills left and I took them these two days and I am applying an antibiotic oitment but I am still scared to death because some people were on oral antibiotics and still ended up in a hospital.

I don't know what to do. What are the chances of ending up in a hospital or getting sepsis or dying? Or even losing a leg.

20-05-23, 20:22
Go to a doctor and get proper antibiotics just to be on the safe side.

20-05-23, 20:32
I have never even thought about taking antibiotics for a cat bite or scratch.

Just keep it clean and keep an eye on it.

You are not going to die or even lose a leg are you?

20-05-23, 20:34
I've been bitten and scratched many many times but I am scared because this was harder and it was very painful yesterday. I think I will go to the doctor tomorrow but I am still scared that they will say I need to go to hospital. I've read too much stories like that on Reddit. :(

20-05-23, 21:12
I have never even thought about taking antibiotics for a cat bite or scratch.

Just keep it clean and keep an eye on it.

You are not going to die or even lose a leg are you?

To clarify, I'm only saying this because OP mentioned there was pus, and purely as a precaution .

20-05-23, 21:18
It was but on a smaller bite that wasn't painful, this bite that was very painful yesterday is more worrisome because it's deeper and I still feel slight pain occasionally. I am not sure anymore. If it stays red tomorrow, I'll go check it.

21-05-23, 13:19
To clarify, I'm only saying this because OP mentioned there was pus, and purely as a precaution .

Never read that bit lol.

I wasn't questioning you BI :yesyes: - I have just never had to have antibiotics for a cat bite

21-05-23, 14:00
Good idea to see your doctor if there is redness/heat/pus. I'm not a doctor but I am a veterinarian. From personal experience it's good to have deeper cat bites looked at and treated. If you get onto antibiotics early it's a lot less likely to get nasty so please don't stress :)

21-05-23, 14:00
All good :) I read all the stories about cat bites years ago then panicked when my husband got bitten on the hand. Sent him to the doctor, where he was promptly laughed out of the surgery.

21-05-23, 14:31
I've known a couple of vets and vet nurses who had infections from deep cat bites to their hands. They are all ok and no-one got seriously ill. A couple needed IV antibiotics but even with those they would just go in have their injection and then go about their day, so no hospital stays and these were bad bites involving joints. I'm sure you'll be ok. Just have it checked for peace of mind and hopefully you won't even need antibiotics.

21-05-23, 18:02
It wasn't that red today so I haven't been to the doctor but I've noticed pus again, this time on this more painful and bigger bite, I've noticed it now and squezed it and put an antibiotic cream on it again. It wasn't much. And it's not red like yesterday, it doesn't hurt except when I touch it so I don't know. I don't have my doctor here because I am in another city and tomorrow I must go to work so I hope it doesn't get worse. It looked like it was healing but that small amount of pus worries me.

21-05-23, 18:24
It isn't warm to touch anymore and it looks more healed but this little bit of a pus is a concern. I am spiraling again. It is hard when I press it but no so hard like it was the first day when it was so painful.

25-05-23, 23:43
After a week it is pale redish but it still hurts when I touch it, I peeled off a scab and now there is a small hole instead and sometimes it's itchy but always painful when I press it. I am worried because that knee hurts sometimes and I don't know if that's related or not.

Is it possible that after a week there is still an infection? It isn't swollen, there is no pus, it looks like it's healing but these things are worrying me. If it was something dangerous would I have more symptoms? I am worried that infection is spreading inside and that I can't see it outside, still afraid of losing a leg.

I googled and I could be having a septic arthritis. I am so scared. Knee hurts when I move it or bend it but not in all positions. I can't explain...

26-05-23, 01:05
It's actually been 5 days and it's healing. Keep it clean and use antibiotic ointment and let it heal. And stop googling!


26-05-23, 03:18
It sounds like it's healing fine. Septic arthritis is just your health anxiety trying to scare you. It's not a condition you would question if you had it, your body would be screaming at you and you would have zero doubts. So you can scrub that one off the worry list. Believe me I've been where you are and worried myself stupid about ( in hindsight) minor things. Often if I was overthinking a bite or cut I'd put a big blob of betadine cream on it and cover with a band-aid and then I wouldn't let myself look at it for 24hrs. It's horrible how health anxiety can make us overthink minor things. In reality if something serious is going on with your body you would know by intense pain, huge swelling etc etc..It's completely normal for there to be a bit of redness still. That's just part of the healing process.

26-05-23, 06:33
Thank you, I know it's my health anxiety, it's always like that, worrying about one thing and when it's gone, the next thing pops out. But I don't know why my knee hurts when I move it or in certain positions. Could it be unrelated? Or some kind of a reaction?

26-05-23, 07:19
Your knee hurts because it's been injured, and the knee is an area that sees a lot of movement. Give it time to heal.

28-05-23, 03:22
Thanks. It is much better now. But I worry about carbon monoxide poisoning now because the boiler was blocked/red light and I am worried that is leaking monoxide after I reseted it, it is very old. I hate this health anxiety, it's not like before that I worry every day but every now and then I feel horrible about something. I am checking my cat constantly to see if he is acting strange, thanks God he is here because I would convince myself that I am poisoned.

09-06-24, 21:22
My naughty ginger cat got me again. :( This time is under a knee so it's a soft tissue and I am more worried, my knee hurts but there are no signs of infection yet, it's been 15 hours so it's still early to tell but I am googling and looking at the wound all the time, I think it's a puncture wound.
Just when I stop worrying about one thing, next comes up.

09-06-24, 23:20
Just rubbing alcohol, antibiotic ointment, keep it clean. If nothing happened when you got bitten really bad last year, nothing will happen now either. BTW, does you cat go out, has it been vaccinated for all which is needed? If it is not going out, there is nothing to worry, I think ( I have had cats all my life)

10-06-24, 11:39
He is an indoor cat. I am more scared because of soft tissue and it's near joint. It doesn't look infected but when I put an antibiotic ointment I saw something yellow on a plaster, it looks like some sort of discharge. I don't know if I should cover it or leave it like this to heal faster?

10-06-24, 18:49
I have a strange pressure in knee but the bite is not on that side, it's under knee. Is it possible that there are no signs of serious infection but it has spread inside?

14-06-24, 17:30
This wound hasn't healed yet because it's under knee I suppose but I think I have sepsis because of it. I have had chills for last two days, I usually have goosebumps when I am under stress but this time I've felt so cold and I am not sick. I went outside today and made about 5000 steps and I felt weak all the time even though not so cold because it's warm outside.

I think these are the first symptoms of sepsis, early symptoms include chills. I am exhausted from everything, if it wasn't for my cat I would give up and just die.