View Full Version : Lymph nodes

21-05-23, 19:54
Hi everyone,

Here I am another lymph node worrier.
So couple of days ago I noticed two small nodes in my neck left side, I’ve had one on my right side for years! I even think I may have had the one on the left for years but as a HA sufferer my brain went into melt down.
I was that concerned I called 111 never done that before! A clinician called me and had a video chat with me, she was not concerned but made a same day appointment for me via phone call with a doctor. Doctor called me and said she was not concerned, I told her I have health anxiety and that I worry about cancer. She said that she can feel her own nodes and that they are meant to be there. I told her I felt scared and she asked if I wanted a blood test, I asked what for? And she said because you said you’re worried about cancer and a blood test will flag up for example leukaemia!!!!
She said she doesn’t believe I have anything but it’s to reassure me I don’t! I’m really scared and worried now that maybe I do have leukaemia :(
I had my bloods in March and all was fine apart from being slightly anaemic but would it have shown then if I had cancer?!
I don’t know why she would send me for bloods if they aren’t necessary I know she said for reassurance for myself but it’s freaked me out! I have the blood test tomorrow at the hospital and then should hear back in 3 days. I honestly feel so sick with worry!
Anyone have any words of wisdom please?

21-05-23, 20:51
You asked for reassurance so she is doing blood tests to reassure you and now that has made things 10 times worse because you think the doctor suspects something but they don't.

I think if you start treating the HA then these sort of things wouldn't worry you as much - can you not do that?

22-05-23, 06:28
You asked for reassurance so she is doing blood tests to reassure you and now that has made things 10 times worse because you think the doctor suspects something but they don't.

I think if you start treating the HA then these sort of things wouldn't worry you as much - can you not do that?

I know it’s my own stupid fault. I don’t know what to do anymore I’m in a constant state of panic and fear. Some days I don’t want to be alive anymore because I can’t take the horrible feeling anxiety gives me :( just want to me a normal person again.

22-05-23, 08:11
I know it’s my own stupid fault. I don’t know what to do anymore I’m in a constant state of panic and fear. Some days I don’t want to be alive anymore because I can’t take the horrible feeling anxiety gives me :( just want to me a normal person again.

I’ve called doctors because I can’t take this screw feeling. I’m awaiting a call back I’m going to ask to be examined cos it’s the only way I’m going to feel less anxious it concerns me that nobody has examined me

22-05-23, 10:20
I got my bloods taken today at the hospital I have to wait 3 working days to get results Im going into the doctors at 11 for a quick appointment to get the nodes checked because of my anxiety not because the doctors concerned. Nobody so far has been concerned about from me :( why can’t I just be happy and move on.

22-05-23, 11:53
I’ve called doctors because I can’t take this screw feeling. I’m awaiting a call back I’m going to ask to be examined cos it’s the only way I’m going to feel less anxious it concerns me that nobody has examined me

So I went to my doctors appointment and the doctor felt my whole neck and the nodes I was worried about. He said they felt normal and not concerning. Only need to be concerned if they grew in size. He explained to me the type of nodes that feel worrying and spoke to me about why I shouldn’t worry he was lovely. All the doctors at my surgery are wonderful. I’m happy I’ve been examined now i feel so relieved. Deep down I knew they were fine but I couldn’t rest without that reassurance.

23-05-23, 18:19
Hi AnxietyGirl - I think I remember you from a bowel cancer scare a few months back! Have you been doing anything to treat your HA in the mean time? It seems to me like you've gotten that reassurance for now and you have that feeling of almost euphoria we get when we find out everything is OK. I also think though that you need to look back on your posts in this thread and see where that reassurance seeking brought you. One thing my doctor told me was that there is nothing 100% in medicine, and often the more tests you order the more things that can be unclear or borderline and require further testing - most of which end up being completely normal but can cause weeks or months of panic for people like us. That's why you need to try and develop your skills to weed out what's worth worrying about and what isn't. It's good to be vigilant, but when all your doctors say they aren't concerned and explicitly say they are doing the test to reassure you you need to work hard and not let the HA mind win.