View Full Version : House move panic

23-05-23, 10:42
I have wanted to move for quite some. We are in a terrace with thin walls and can hear everything which causes me anxiety. We have an offer accepted on a detached property and a buyer for ours. But this morning I am in a complete panic and can't do it. I'm at the point of ringing the estate agents and cancelling it all. I can't cope with the thought of moving. Suddenly I love my house I've hated for years. My husband and haven't been getting on well and worried this is a mistake. But if I don't do it, I'll then panic I've done the wrong thing. I can't cope with decisions ans change 😪

23-05-23, 13:43
I think everyone here can understand this. It’s a fear of change, however much we don’t like where we are now, it’s our status quo, what we are used to.
In your less panicked moments I imagine you can see that a move is what you want and it’s only anxiety that is telling you otherwise. If you let anxiety dictate to you how to live your life, where will it end?
You like your normal, we all do, but new situations over time become the new normal.

23-05-23, 14:18
Hope, I moved house at a point when my anxiety was extremely high. I did it and didn't look back.
Can I suggest packing in stages, you can clear out at the same time.
If you pull out now you might regret it but if your feelings are so strong to not go through with it, then obviously you can pull out, anytime before contracts are signed. There will be upset but follow your gut instinct.
Change can be a good thing if you welcome it and if you and your partner haven't been getting on so well, maybe it's time to sit down and talk. The issue may have nothing to do with moving but best aired before you make this move.

24-05-23, 16:05
Thank you. I think the panic had over come me. I have missed out on so many as I have panicked and then regretted not doing them

24-05-23, 16:06
Thank you. Practical tip a really good idea. Yes, I think I will regret it. I am glad your move went well